As promised, I will be offering at least one contest during this Holy season of Advent. I may offer another one, depending on how busy the next few weeks get at school. But for now, the winner of this contest will receive:
1) The Catholic Prayer Bible: Lectio Divina Edition (NRSV)
2) The Gospel According to Luke I-IX (Anchor Bible) by Joseph A. Fitzmyer. 1981.
Here are the rules:
1) If you have a blog, please advertise this contest on your blog. (If you don't, you can still enter the contest.)
2) This contest is only for people who are in the United States or Canada. (Again, overseas shipping costs are a bit too high for me right now. Sorry.)
3) In the comment box, answer the following question:
What Catholic Bible, or Bible study tool, would you like to see under your Christmas tree this year and why? (Feel free to invent something that meets your needs!)
4) The contest ends on Saturday at 11:59PM EST.
5) One entry per person.
I would love to see the HarperCollins Complete Catholic Reference Bible (NRSV) wrapped for me under the tree. This CCRB is an awesome edition bound in the publisher’s now well-known soft flexible and very durable faux leather that feels great in the hand and keeps the price low. 3 ribbon markers allow for handy referencing of text or charts. This edition is a decent medium-sized volume that manages to fit nicely in the hand. I should point out that it is designated a Reference Bible as opposed to Study Bible because, while it has a plethora of good helpful information for personal or group study, it does not devote detailed annotations and lengthy articles to strictly scholarly theories, essays or investigations.
The print is what is to be expected for a medium-size edition but the font selected is crisp, clear and reasonably dark without excessive bleeding through the slightly-thicker than usual Bible paper. I like the single paragraph layout of the text with the scriptural cross-references in the binding-edge column on both sides, leaving a decent-sized margin on the left and right outer edges. Yes, I said scriptural cross-references in an NRSV, making this unique among its various available editions!
The HarperCollins CCRB features excellent succinct introductions to each book of the Bible that favor the Tradition in content, yet aren’t shy about pointing out credible variations of thought among credible Catholic scholars when necessary. I especially like the footnotes which often point out the literal and spiritual senses of the text as well as inform the reader when a particular passage has special relevance to a point of Catholic theology.
The extra-biblical material includes several reference charts to the life, teachings, miracles, and parables of Jesus, a three-column parallel view of the Synoptic Gospels, a list of the 3-Year Mass reading cycle for Sundays and Holydays as well as the 2-Year cycle for the Daily Lectionary, and an extremely helpful Where is That in the Bible? chart referencing Catholic worship, beliefs and practices to their scriptural foundations. A fantastic contribution to a Catholic understanding of the epistles can be found in the Theology and Themes of St. Paul section. Finally, and not to be left out, are there the now familiar NRSV concordance and Harper maps.
Apart from the more “academic” aspects of this edition the HarperCollins CCRB provides for family records as well as a solid Catholic prayer-life that is biblically and liturgically oriented. The records pages are uniquely “Catholic” in that they actually allow for the statistical information of up to 8 children and include, in addition to matrimony, possible entries for ordination to diaconate and prebyterate as well as profession in consecrated life. Towards the back of this edition can be found Scriptural references and prayers relating to the celebration of Advent with messianic OT prophecies and their NT fulfillments; the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary; John Paul II’s Biblical Stations of the Cross; and a delightful version of the Stations of the Resurrection that allow for inclusion of St. Paul into the scriptural-devotional life of today’s Catholic. I greatly appreciate the fact that HarperCollins chose a generous use of various schools and forms of Catholic art through the ages to illustrate these biblical events and devotions.
Overall, the HarperCollins Complete Catholic Reference Bible (NRSV) is an unbelievable edition of the Sacred Scriptures, almost as if it’s too good to be true….which it is. It exists only in my mind. Until then I guess I will keep using a combination of versions and editions and leave the HCCCRB to the world of my Christmas wishes and holiday dreams.
Sharon @ Diakonos. All I can say is AMEN!
Wow Diakonos. That sounds awesome. I think that I'll take cues from Diakonos in writing what I want.
I would like an Ignatius Complete Study Bible incorporating both the OT and the NT. The Bible would be bound in brown unembossed goatskin leather with at least 2 ribbon markers. The size of the Bible would be about 6"x9".
The Bible should have extensive study notes, essays, maps, and Catholic interpretations as would be required for a through Bible study. All other excess that does not help facilitate the studying process should be skimmed off. The Bible would be in a single column format with wide side margins to accommodate note taking. The footnotes would be reserved for references and alternate translations.
To keep the size of the Bible manageable, the font size will be slightly smaller than the norm and the pages can be slightly thinner as well, but tinted much like the current RSV-2CE to help reading and reduce some bleed through.
The Ignatius Complete Study Bible should be the default first stop in regards to any questions and the Catholic stance pertaining to the question in regards to the Bible. Luckily with the release of the Ignatius Study Bible NT, it seems to be halfway there.
I would like to see a Biblia Sacra Vulgatæ Editionis Sixti Quinti Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita atque edita (Clementine Vulgate) under my Christmas tree this year. A first edition would be even better. Haha.
Why? Because I've always been fascinated with Latin, and the first edition is a piece of art!
As long as we're dreaming I might as well go all the way- I would love to wake up Christmas morning to find the original manuscripts for each book of the Bible nestled under my tree. I'm talking about the actual paper/parchment/papyrus/what-have-you that the author of each book physically wrote on. No copy of a copy, mind you; only THE ORIGINALS will do. And as long as Santa's coming by anyway, I wouldn't mind a couple of tickets to the BCS title game, too. :)
Dwight, your request became unrealistic when you asked for the football tickets!
I'd like to echo what my next-door-neighbor told me she wants...a compact, large print Bible. (I told that to a Bible salesman and he laughed.)
Anyway, one thing that I'm thinking of making for myself is a two-volume (leather-bound) version of Donald Senior's Catholic Study Bible--with the commentary in one volume, and the NAB separate. (Easy enough if I'm willing to butcher a Bible, but I'm not.)
Having reference materials and the biblical text in one volume makes for a very cumbersome book.
(And I put a plug for this contest on my weblog:
--Scott R. Lucado
Under the tree I would to find a Lectio Divina NRSV, single column, references on the outer margin, three ribbon markers, gilt page edges, and bound in calfskin.
In the back, a list of scripture readings and psalms for daily prayer would be helpful, perhaps a lectionary cycle based on the Rule of Benedict.
Mark - as a Benedictine Oblate I like your dream Bible.
I would like to see a Bible that has more footnotes. What I mean is that the books in the Bible are translated from Greek, Latin, etc... When I read something in the Bible that has been translated it would be nice to see a footnote that says this would mean this in Latin. Certain words in Latin, Greek, Hebrew do not translate directly to English. For example the word Love for us is "LOVE". In another language the word LOVE is written in different ways. Example there is a word for brotherly love, a word for love of a parent, another word for love for a child, husband-wife love, lust etc... So when I read "Love" I understand it in the context of the English language. It would be nice to have a foot note that says that the writer meant for the word "Love" to be love between a husband or wife, for example. As you know, one word can change the meaning of a sentence.
Another thing I would like to see in the Bible is more historical facts. For example, if someone wrote a book in the Bible and it was around 50 AD it would be nice to have an introduction to that book that has some historical notes about what was happening back in 50 AD.
Another thing I would like to read more about is the author of the book. Before I begin to read, it would be helpful to understand who was the person that wrote that book or the letter.
Basically, I would like a Bible that puts me back in time when the author wrote the letter or the book. Who they are, what they were doing, what was going on in their time. I would like to see footnotes about certain words and what did the author really mean.
Christmas is supposed to be a time to simplify and be grateful for the blessing we have, so with this in mind, my request IS simple. I want the CTS Bible with the Jerusalem translation they use and the grail psalms in a bible the same size and with a leather cover like the Ignatius RSC-CE 2nd edition. The Jerusalem Bible without all the Yahwehs is my absolute favorite translation but the current CTS bible are too small and too thick.
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