This week I picked the first reading from Jeremiah, which is, of course, quite famous. In reflecting on this passage, I couldn't help but think of times in my life when I failed to act like a prophet. Sure, I wasn't being called to publicly rebuke a president or governor or some other elected official, but there certainly have been times when I could have spoken to family member or friend who needed to hear a gentle word from the Lord. Perhaps it is time we again take seriously our baptismal dignity as not only a king and priest, but also a prophet. We, of course, must do so with great discernment and gentleness. Yet this role as prophet is something we have been called to participate in, even before we saw "the light of day."
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Sunday's Message: Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
This week I picked the first reading from Jeremiah, which is, of course, quite famous. In reflecting on this passage, I couldn't help but think of times in my life when I failed to act like a prophet. Sure, I wasn't being called to publicly rebuke a president or governor or some other elected official, but there certainly have been times when I could have spoken to family member or friend who needed to hear a gentle word from the Lord. Perhaps it is time we again take seriously our baptismal dignity as not only a king and priest, but also a prophet. We, of course, must do so with great discernment and gentleness. Yet this role as prophet is something we have been called to participate in, even before we saw "the light of day."
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
He Lives: The Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus

Sunday, January 24, 2016
Sunday's Message: Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21
The Gospel reading this week seems perfect for the Jubilee Year of Mercy. We see Jesus proclaiming the fulfilment of the prophet Isaiah's words, as found in chapter 61 of Isaiah. How often I have read those words of "pardon" and "recovery" and "good news" yet never allowed them to be planted deep into my soul. This is the type of passage which I need to constantly remind myself isn't simply meant for a people far off, both in location and history. No, these are words meant for me as well. Perhaps this would be a good week to consider how our Lord has brought healing into your life or has shown undeserved mercy towards you. I know that I will be. For He is not in some distant place, but right here, right now in "this place."
Friday, January 22, 2016
A Little Fun: Bible Translation Acronyms
KJV: Knights Jousting Version
RSV: Real Scripture Version
GNT: God Needs Teens
NRSV: No Really Sexist Verses
CEV: Completely Extraneous Version
NLT: No Longer a Translation
ESV: Evangelical Study Version
MSG: Might Sound Good
HCSB: Heaven Collects Southern Baptists
NABRE: Not All Books Rendered Entirely
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Psalm 23 in the Jerusalem Bible
Monday, January 18, 2016
Jerusalem and New Jerusalem Bible's
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Sunday's Message: Psalm 96
I decided to look at the responsorial Psalm for today's Mass, which often does not get commented on during the homily. As I was thinking about this psalm during the week, a couple of thoughts came to mind. I have such an on-again, off-again relationship with the Psalms in the context of my daily prayer life. I have mentioned on this blog before some of my daily prayer practices, for example the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The truth is that there are times during the year when I use it, as well as the full Liturgy of the Hours, while at other times I simply don't. This often is an issue of simply being consistent with a particular devotion, which for some reason is a difficulty for me. I have noticed that there are times when I feel like I am just "saying" the prayers/psalms instead of actually slowly praying them. Of course, this is one of the main reasons to pray some form of the breviary, since one of its main goals is to slow down and ponder the psalms. I also think state of life has something to do with this, particularly with two jobs and a growing family. Perhaps some of you have experienced this?
However, when I sit down with a psalm like Psalm 96, and yes even in The Message translation, I am reminded of God's goodness and what my response should be to Him. How often am I willing to sing with joy at Mass for all that the Lord has done for me? How often am I willing to "get out the message" to those I meet each day, particularly the lost? Perhaps one of the reasons to remain faithful to a daily prayer life with the Psalms is in order to be reminded of His goodness and how He waits upon my response.
Psalm 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8, 9-10
Thursday, January 14, 2016
The Cross
Monday, January 11, 2016
Updates to Ignatius/Lighthouse App
Before, the default text was the RSV-2CE, which also allowed you to toggle to the original "1965/1966 RSV-CE" as an option. Now, the new menu differentiates between the two text options as follows:
- "Ignatius Study Bible RSV-CE (English) - A completely new typeset and designed edition of the popular Ignatius Revised Standard Version Bible, with minor revisions to some of the archaic language used in the first edition."
- It's still the RSV-2CE, but no longer called out as such
- If you've purchased the Ignatius commentary as an expansion, this option contains the links to the ICSB commentaries
- Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition RSV-CE (English) - The Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition is an English-language adaptation of the Revised Standard Version (RSV) of the Bible for use by Catholics."
- Interesting that the version nomenclature is now the same between the two - both just treatments of the RSV-CE
- If you've purchased the Truth and Life audio NT expansion, the audio will play alongside both versions, however the ICSB commentary is ONLY available with the default "Ignatius Study Bible RSV-CE" (i.e. the -2CE text)
Not to make too much of this: substantively, it's the same arrangement as prior versions of the app. But there is a clear impact to branding: whether intentionally or not, the effect is to steer away from use of RSV-2CE and toward more consistent branding as an "Ignatius Bible."
- Notice, that aligns with the licensed use in the Didache Bible, which is primarily branded the "Ignatius Bible Edition" to differentiate it from the NABRE
- This may be an additional branding firewall to stem discussion and misunderstanding around whether or not it is "published with ecclesiastical approval." Think of it this way:
- So long as it's called a "Second Catholic Edition" RSV, then it begs the question about its approval
- Eliminate that nomenclature, however, and it's just the RSV-CE "with minor revisions" for use with the Ignatius Bible products. Then the spectre of additional approvals (arguably) goes away
I don't see that there are any changes to the copyright notices on the app, which reads in part:
The original Catholic edition of the RSV translation was prepared by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain in A.D. 1965
This edition was revised according to Liturgiam Authenticam
Ignatius Press San Francisco
Published with ecclesiastical approval.
Original RSV Bible text:
Nihil obstat: Thomas Hanlon, S.T.L., L.S.S., Ph.L.
Imprimatur: + Peter W. Bertholome, D.D.
Bishop of St. Cloud Minnesota
May 11, 1966
Second Catholic Edition approved under the same imprimatur by the Secretariat for Doctrine and Pastoral Practices, national Conference of Catholic Bishops
February 29, 2000
Introduction, commentariesm and notes:
Nihil obstat: Rev. Msgr. J. Warren Holleran, S.T.D.
Imprimatur: + Most Rev. George Niederauer
Archbishop of San Francisco
January 13, 2010
I haven't noticed before these statements (are they new to this update?):
Second Catholic Edition approved by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Bible text: Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition
©2000 and 2006 by the Division of Christian Education of the national Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
All rights reserved
Anyone care to compare to other print editions?
So what do you think: just basic housekeeping and design refresh?
Or intentional rebranding back toward the original RSV-CE, away from the idea of a -2CE and all that entails?
What Are You Reading?
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Sunday Message: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Guest Review: OSV Pocket Gospels and Psalms (NRSV)
Thanks to Joshua for this fine review of the NRSV Pocket Gospels and Psalms from OSV. Amazon also allows you to "look inside" which you can do here.
The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) has been a favorite of mine for over 20 years now. I have seen it various editions ranging from study Bibles, pew Bibles, audio versions, eBooks, to plugins for Bible software. However pocket editions have been far and far between. The last pocket edition I've seen was The Faith-Sharing New Testament with the Psalms. This edition was released in the late 1990s by Cokesbury, a publishing company owned by the United Methodist Church. Besides the text, it had an essay about the basics of conversion and discipleship. There is an edition by Cambridge that has the anglicized NRSV New Testament and Psalms. I have not seen this edition in person. I ran into Our Sunday Vistor's (OSV) The Pocket Gospels and Psalms by chance last fall; I was looking for new translations of John (which is my favorite Gospel). It looked intriguing and I mentioned to people I know on Facebook. Last Christmas, I ordered the Bible online. The first I noticed was the size of the book. It is small; it easily dwarfed the mailer it came in. I compared the Bible with a pocket New Testament published by the Gideons (this organization places Bibles in hotels and other places) and a mass-market paperback. The Bible was about equal in size to the Gideon New Testament and smaller than the paperback (see the attached pictures). The size of the book was made apparent to me on New Year's Eve. I went to a store to do some shopping; I took the book with me in a jacket as I wanted to read from it after I finished. It was so small I forgot it was there and had to feel for it! The cover is burgundy with a matte finish. The contents and a small cross appear in gold on the front; the publisher's name, a bar code and the ISBN appear on the back. The cover also has a faux grain pattern, which is a nice touch. Turning to the paper, I'm pleased to say it is a nice white color. Ghosting is kept a minimum. The type size for the text is not the same as the Amazon sample; it is about 8.5px with the type size of the footnotes being smaller. My only real complaint about this Bible is that the type size for the footnotes is too small. I wish that OSV made the type size larger and placed the notes in a horizontal line across the bottom of the page rather than grouping them together in the corner. (See the scan of Psalms to see how the layout looks.) Canon Law requires that Bibles have "necessary and sufficient annotations" in them. The only notes this edition has are the standard translator footnotes, which aren't as detailed as the ones found in the NABRE or in other Bibles. A concern I have about this edition is that it does not have an Imprimatur. The only mentions of the Imprimatur are mentioned in the preface where it states that the NRSV has the "ecclesiastical approval of the Catholic Bishops of both the United States and Canada" and the "latter edition received the Imprimatur (official approbation) of the United States and Canadian Catholic Bishops". The preface is abridged from the one found in a regular NRSV-CE. It is also worth noting that Bruce Metzger's preface to the NRSV isn't printed. In any case, I would think that the Imprimatur and the Metzger preface is something that would be included. Overall, this is a beautiful, portable edition of the gospels and Psalms; I recommend it. Not only does it help heed the Holy Father's advice to "carry [a pocket Bible] with you and read it every day", it is a way to share the wonderful news with a generation that knows more of Kim and Kanye than Mary and Joseph. I also think it is a very good way to test drive the NRSV before buying more elaborate editions. In a practical sense, it is also a good way to effectively use those idle moments we have such as waiting at the doctor's office. What's better? Reading the words of the Lord or texting and talking on our phones? In any case I believe The Pocket Gospels and Psalms will do much good no matter how it's used.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Cover and Amazon Listing for Catholic Study Bible (NABRE) Third Edition
Below is the description:
This landmark resource, the first fully-based on the authoritative NABRE translation, contains the trustworthy study notes, expanded essays, and informational sidebars which have guided and informed students and general readers for 25 years. In this new edition, one-third of the Reading Guide materials are new, and all of the other Guides have been reviewed and revised by their original authors.
The extensive Reading Guide, the focal point of this volume, leads the reader through the Scriptures, book by book. References and background information are clearly laid out to guide the reader to a fuller understanding of the Bible. New to this edition is a more extensive treatment of the biblical background, including history and archeology.
Other outstanding features include: a 15-page glossary of special terms and complete Sunday and weekday lectionary readings for the liturgical years of the Church. Thirty-two beautiful pages of full-color Oxford Bible Maps come with a place-name index for easy reference.
Perfect for both higher education and clergy, Bible study and general readers, The Catholic Study Bible is an essential resource for both experienced students and first-time readers.
Table of Contents:
General Introduction - Donald Senior
The Biblical Texts and Their Background - Donald Senior
The Catholic Study Bible - Donald Senior
The Bible in Catholic Life - Daniel J. Harrington
Biblical History and Archeology: Old Testament - Ronald A. Simkins
Biblical History and Archeology: New Testament - Laurie Brink
Catholic Interpretation of the Bible - Kevin Madigan
The Challenges of Biblical Translation - Ronald D. Witherup
The Bible in the Lectionary - Eileen Schuller
Reading Guides: Old Testament
The Pentateuch - Christopher Frechette
The Deuteronomistic History - Leslie J. Hoppe
The Chronicler's History - Richard Bautch
The Later Histories - Kelley Coblentz Bautch
The Wisdom Books - Dianne Bergant
The Major Prophets, Baruch, and Lamentations - Katherine M. Hayes
Daniel and the Minor Prophets - John J. Collins
Reading Guides: New Testament
Matthew - Donald Senior
Mark - Susan Calef
Luke - Pheme Perkins
John - Pheme Perkins
Acts - Justin Taylor
Paul and His Writings - Mary Ann Getty and Carolyn Osiek
The General Letters and Revelation - Luke Timothy Johnson