Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Prayer for Election Day

O Lord Jesus Christ,
You alone are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
In Your Church You show us the Way,
You teach us the Truth, and You give us Your Life.
Grant, we humbly beg You,
that, always and in all things, we may
be faithful to You in Your Holy Church,
and to Your Vicar on Earth, the Supreme Pontiff,
Pope Benedict XVI.
Grant also, we beg You,
that, in these times of decision,
all who profess to be Catholic
and who are entrusted with the sacred duty
to participate in public life,
may, by the strength of Your grace,
unwaveringly follow Your Way and
faithfully adhere to Your Truth,
living in You with all their mind and heart,
for Your greater glory, the salvation of souls,
and the good of our nation.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America,
Pray for us.
Saint Thomas More, Patron of Religious Freedom,
Pray for us.
By His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke,
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

1 comment:

ThisVivian said...

Obama won, and I actually voted this year. A slight confirmation of my monarchical beliefs and the wastefulness of the current system (speaking only of the electoral process here, where $1bn, I believe, was spent on television ads alone). Josh Mandel was defeated, as was Todd Akin - McCaskil retained her seat.

I'm waiting for a repeat of 2000, so I can sell a paper I buy tomorrow for $1000 in a few years' time when the revised paper comes out correcting their erroneous proclamation of winner. But no such luck seems forthcoming.

The voter turnout was so great I had to wait for three hours to cast a ballot - not because of the length of the line, but because the voting machines ran out of paper, and new paper (which appeared to be standard adding-machine issue) had to be brought in under armed guard.