A reader recently asked the following question about the Little Office of the BVM, which I do not have the answer to. So I thought I would throw it out to you, my fine readers.
Do you know if the Fr. Agustin Bea's Amplior Edition of the Little Office conforms to Summorum Pontificum & can be considered as 'public prayer' of the Church?
So what do you think (or know)?
According to Apostolic Letter Ecclesiae sanctae of Pope Paul VI,
"20. Although Religious who recite a duly approved Little Office perform the public prayer of the Church (cf. Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 98), it is nevertheless recommended to the institutes that in place of the Little Office they adopt the Divine Office either in part or in whole so that they may participate more intimately in the liturgical life of the Church...."
Since that edition of the Little Office was in use in 1962 and was never abrogated by any subsequent decree, therefore it conforms to Summorum Pontificum.
All 3 editions of the Little Office can be a 'public prayer' if any community wishes to use it as no decree ever forbid its public recitation.
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