"is intended to open Scripture in a brand new way. By organizing important people, places, and events into lists, we can reframe our experience and understanding of God's Word, while serving as a memory aid or providing ideas for further reading and study. Discover the top ten Bible misunderstandings, the top ten things to know about the Bible, the top ten animal stories, the top ten angelic appearances, or the top ten miracles. Get introduced to the top ten women with attitude, the top sibling rivalries, the heroes, the villains, or even the top ten people you should know but probably don't. Explore the top ten parables, promises, or challenges from Jesus. Finally, be inspired to create your own top ten list whether it is modifying an existing category of people, places, or sayings, or one you create yourself. Use this book for family reading, small faith groups, adult study, or simply personal reflection. Grow in your love of God by better understanding the story of His love for you."
Coming in at around 160 pages, this looks like quite a fun little book. I look forward to providing a review once it is released.
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