- Contains entire Bible for Catholics
- Over 80 hours of audio, preloaded
- Searchable by verse
- Story index of 230 popular Bible stories
- Topic index
- Holiday/events index
- Bookmarks
- Narrated Rosary and common prayers
- Daily readings by year and cycle
- Voice menu for sight impaired
- Contains entire Bible for Catholics
- Over 80 hours of audio, preloaded
- Bible-in-a-Year Plan
- Narrated Rosary and common prayers
- Easy-To-Use Navigation
- Lightweight and Portable
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The GoBible Traveler and Original Edition does not interact with a PC; all of its content, over 80 hours of audio, has been downloaded onto the device. This is an audio device only. The GoBible Traveler’s interactive on-screen menu allows you to scroll easily through the Old and New Testaments and select the book and chapter where you want to begin play. Additionally, you have the option of following the GoBible Traveler’s "Bible-in-a-Year" plan for listening to the entire Bible in 365 days. The GoBible Traveler supports 36 Bookmarks so you can mark your favorite chapters or where you left off listening.
Both of these editions are lightweight and come with the entire Catholic Bible as well as Rosary devotions. The Original Edition, though slightly bigger, has the ability to search the Bible by verse, as well as including a helpful index of popular Bible stories. This is a nice feature that allows you to go right to a particular story in the Bible, like David and Goliath. Also, you can read the particular daily readings of the day by the liturgical cycle. Both editions come with Bible-in-a-Year reading plans. The Original Edition also has a bigger screen, which may be more useful for those who have poor vision. However, the biggest advantage to the Traveler Edition is that is is so much smaller and portable. If you are a runner or plan to use it at the gym, you'll want to go with the Traveler Edition.
Again, I really appreciate the portability of this product. I saw it being sold at a recent Catholic Conference my wife and I attended, so I decided to contact the people at GoBible. They were gracious enough to provide me with a couple review copies. I think this is a very nice option for those who want to hear the written Word in an easy-to-use format. It also makes a great gift idea as we get closer to the Christmas season.
There are still a lot of people out there that don't have smartphones (and don't want to pay the monthly fee). I see this as a good option for those people, the cost of this device is less than the cost of two months of service on many smartphone contracts. Add the rosary to the complete audio bible and I think it makes this a pretty good deal.
You can get it at a substantial discount at christianbooks.com
The GoBible looks like a very nice device. I remember considering one when I was looking for a Catholic audio bible. Be that as it may, it does seem a shame that there are so many free Protestant audio bibles out there - the Bible.Is app alone has four different translations plus The Jesus Film - and not one Catholic version is available for free.
Don't know why that is, but more's the pity.
Agree 100%
With the exception of the Douay Rheims, Catholics Bibles tend to be protected by copyright. Any free audio Bible is going to be of a translation that is in the public domain, which means the KJV, ASV and a few others. You aren't going to get a free audio book of a book that isn't free to begin with.
Well, for starters, I'd gladly accept a free audio version of the Douay Rheims. And while I'm no expert on the public domain, the Bible.Is app offers the 1989 NRSV, 2001 ESV, and the KJV, in both dramatic and standard readings for free. Plus, you can also get a free audio of the 1997 American Standard Version NT from Spoken Word's app and - surprisingly - a free audio of the Douay Rheims NT on YouVersion's app.
I wonder why no one has done anything with the Confraternity Bible online. I've read about this and it seems the 1941 New Testament could be Public Domain due to the fact the copyright wasn't renewed (I don't know about the OT portions). There was a website that sold a CD-ROM that had scans of the Confraternity NT along with several other versions. The site is offline.
I have one of those big pre-Vatican II Douay/Confraternity Bibles (it was published in 1953). I've thought about scanning the NT and proofreading it but that seems to be a huge undertaking. Plus I don't want to tango with the powers that be.
There is no 'Confraternity OT' The 'Confraternity Bible' is basically just the NAB.
Originally, in 1937, the Catholic bishops authorized a revision of the Douay Rheims. The NT was finished and published in 1941. Then work began on the OT. But then in 1943 Pope Pius XII issued 'Divino Afflante Spiritu' which allowed for translations to be made from the Greek and Hebrew rather than the Latin. A vote was taken and the decision was made to scrap the revisions of the OT and start over from scratch creating a new translation from the Greek and Hebrew. This translation was published in six volumes starting in 1952 under the name 'Confraternity Bible', when the translation was complete in 1969, the project was re-named 'The New American Bible' and re-issued under than name in 1970.
I'm pretty sure that the 1941 NT is still protected under copyright.
Biblical Catholic you are right. Only real difference is that the NAB has a New Testament translated from the original languages and it's more dynamic than the Confraternity NT. It's amusing to read on some forums people heap praises on the Confraternity and excoriate the NAB when the OT is basically the same. The problem most have with the NAB are the notes and the translation itself is collateral damage.
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