I know that I am not alone in praising the work that apostolates like St. Joseph Communication have done over the past decade. When I began to rediscover my faith, a little under ten years ago, I relied heavily on the many tapes and CD's offered by St. Joseph Communication. I still remember getting a copy of Dr. Scott Hahn's talk called "The 4th Cup" and just being completely blown away by what I was hearing. I had never heard Scripture explained in that way, and it truly left me inspired and excited to study the Scriptures. I can say with all honesty, that I wouldn't be doing what I am doing today, if it weren't for the excellent talks offered by St. Joseph Communication. So thank you!
With that said, I wanted to highlight a new DVD by St. Joseph Communications entitled: "What Every Catholic Needs to Know About the Bible". I have yet to view it, but it does look very promising. If it is as good as I think it is, I can see myself using this for the first meeting of future Bible studies I help facilitate.
Here is some more info about it:
Everyone knows that the Holy Bible is the best-selling book of all time. It is available in more versions and in more languages than any other book in history. But the Bible is more than the world’s most widely distributed book. The Sacred Scriptures are really a whole library of sacred books, letters, prophecy and poetry, all of which are believed to be inspired by God by millions around the world. But many read the Bible and never stop to ask, “Where did we get the Bible?” “By what authority was it compiled?” “Where can you find the correct interpretation of the Bible?”
Respected Team of Catholic Experts

Discover the “Gospel Truth” about the Bible
Now you’ll be empowered to discover and share the “Gospel truth” about such important topics as the inspiration of Scripture, the formation of the Biblical canon, the crucial role of the Church’s Tradition in Biblical interpretation, and the history of Biblical translations from the time of Christ to today. You’ll also learn the truth about the pervasive Protestant charges that the Catholic Church banned and burned the Bible; that the Church chained the Bible and kept it in a dead language in order to keep the Scriptures from the people.
Inspiring and Enlightening
You’ll find this all-new DVD perfect for adult inquiry classes, RCIA, Confirmation and Catholic Bible study groups. With this inspiring and enlightening presentation, you’ll have a powerful and painless way to share the essential truths about the Bible and its relationship to the Catholic Church with Catholic adults and young people, the un-churched, and our separated brethren. Order now and discover What Every Catholic Needs to Know About the Bible.
How the Bible was compiled
What the words “Testament” really means
Why the Bible is primarily a “Liturgical book”
How the Holy Mass is “the Bible in action”
Why it is absolutely necessary to properly interpret the Sacred Page
How the divisions of the New Testament parallel the Old
How discovering the literary forms employed by the inspired authors helps us to understand the Bible
Why the doctrine of “the Bible alone” is unhistorical and unbiblical
What is the history of Biblical translations
How the Bible is God’s Word to you today
Amiable brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Easily I agree but I contemplate the post should prepare more info then it has.
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