Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let Your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication.
If You, O Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?
But with You is forgiveness, that You may be revered.
I trust in the Lord; my soul trusts in His word.
My soul waits for the Lord more than sentinels wait for the dawn.
More than sentinels wait for the dawn, let Israel wait for the Lord,
For with the Lord is kindness and with Him is plenteous redemption;
And He will redeem Israel from all their iniquities.
O Most Merciful Jesus, lover of souls,
I pray to you by the agony of your most Sacred Heart,
and by the sorrows of your Immaculate Mother, to wash in
your blood all of our brothers and sisters in Haiti
who are now in their agony, and are to die this day.
According to media reports:
"The archbishop of Port-au-Prince was killed in the massive earthquake that devastated the Haitian capital and taken untold lives since striking Tuesday, according to a dispatch from the Vatican. The body of Bp. Joseph Serge Miot, 65, was found under the rubble of the archdiocese, and may be one of only hundreds of victims trapped in the ruins of the building."

May he and all the faithfully departed rest in peace.
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