Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Confraternity Poll #2

If a full Confraternity Bible was produced, which edition of the OT would you prefer?
Douay (Challoner)
Confraternity/NAB (1969)
personality test


Anonymous said...

Since the Confraternity book of Genesis was different than the NAB version I can't help but think that the two versions should be listed separately.

Also, does anyone know if the verses missing from Jeremiah (or is it Ezekiel) in the NAB (1970) are missing from the Confraternity version?

And I wonder if the Confraternity has the longer version of Judith 13? I would be able to check. . . if I could find my copy!


Jason P said...

Use the English translation of the New Latin Psalms because it incorporates these and thous so it won't be out of place in the middle of a Douay/Confraternity Bible.

Mark D. said...
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Timothy said...

Thank you for the link Mark.

Biblical Catholic said...

"Also, does anyone know if the verses missing from Jeremiah (or is it Ezekiel) in the NAB (1970) are missing from the Confraternity version?"

There are no verses missing, they are simply renumbered and put into a different order.

Timothy said...


I am going to post on the issue of transpositioning of verses next week, so I hope to hear from you! :)