Friday, February 26, 2016

Fr. Nick King Audio Course

Many of you are familiar with Fr. Nicholas King S.J. as the person who recently translated the Bible from the Greek to English.  Currently, he is a Visiting Professor at the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College, where he teaches New Testament and Koine Greek. For 12 years, he was a lecturer in the same subjects at Oxford University. Prior to coming to Oxford, he taught in South Africa, where he served as a District Observer for its first democratic elections.  

The fine people at Now You Know Media have recently come out with The New Testament: A Bible Study Course by Fr. King.  According to the website description, this audio set includes: "36 engaging lectures that give you access to modern scholarship on the New Testament. Fr. King’s original translations breathe new life into the words you have so often heard and studied, accurately conveying the mood of the original documents.  After a fascinating general introduction to the New Testament, you will take a fresh look at the Pauline epistles. You will enjoy four lectures on each of the Gospels before looking at Acts of the Apostles, the general epistles, and Revelation. Finally, you will consider the important themes of Christ’s Resurrection, divine inspiration, and the necessity of the Old Testament.  Above all, you will gain a fuller sense of Jesus as a devout Jew who was telling the old story of God and the People of God in a new way. And as Jesus preached, the gospel message is open to all."

I have at least a dozen sets from Now You Know Media and they are of the highest quality.


Russ said...

Cool beans, Tim. I was just breezing thru his translation the other day. Thanks for this.

Biblical Catholic said...

I have looked everywhere for his translation of the Septuagint, but I can't find it

Timothy said...


Biblical Catholic said...

$83 plus probably at least $40-$50 more for the shipping? Yeah, there's no way I'm ever going to order it at that price. They need to make it available to an American publisher. I'm not paying nearly $200 for a Bible, even if is a great translation with great study notes.

Dave Awbrey said...

Tim, I saw where on a past comment that Fr. King was going to post the attachments for the 6th chapter of Baruch or Letter of Jeremiah to your site. Did he ever get those sent so we can see these missing verses? Thanks for any information. Dave Awbrey.

owenswain said...

I'm still so pleased I put out the bucks for The King Bible last year (or late in 2014, I forget). Well worth it. I'll have to pass on the course though for the same reason at BibleCatholic - and it would be even more expensive in CND. Ah well. Since our dollar tanked last year this story is becoming routine.

Timothy said...


Has the King Bible become your everyday bible?

owenswain said...


now, good sir, you KNOW it hasn't ;-)

Take one guess on what is my goto translation. Yup, that's right, that one.

The King Bible is for me say, what I think the Knox is for you.