Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Ordinariate and the RSV-2CE Lectionary

Thanks to reader Francesco for pointing out this post from The Anglo-Catholic about the Anglican Ordinariate's use of the RSV-2CE. The post informs us that an AU parish in the US has acquired the entire stock of Ignatius' RSV-2CE Lectionaries and are going to be selling them at a 67% discount off the regular price to incoming Anglicans.


Theophrastus said...

You put this news item in a very charitable tone. If I were to describe it, I doubt I could be so elegant, I would probably go with a tag line like this:

Entire stock of Ignatius RSV Lectionary remaindered.

Timothy said...

That may be true. Although I thought I read a quote a few months back by Fr. Fessio suggesting that the new crop of bishops in the US might work through the USCCB an approval to use RSV-2CE Lectionary. Can't find the source of the quote right now, but even if it is true, I am not sure how likely that is. (Perhaps the quote is from an interview he did with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN?)

Theophrastus said...

If memory serves, in that interview he referred to several African conferences using the RSV-2CE as lectionary -- and subsequently they were mentioned as South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda. See this thread.

I don't know if that actually came to pass, but if it did, I could easily imagine that since many churches in those countries are running on shoestring budgets, they are using less expensive versions of the printed lectionary (perhaps locally printed) or even reading the lectionary from the a regular large print edition of the RSV-2CE Bible (since the lectionary text is identical to the text in the Bible.)

Anonymous said...

I read the linked article, and I think its the RSV Lectionary, not the RSV-2CE (or even RSV-CE, going by what's written in the article).


rolf said...

Mel, it is the RSV-2CE Lectionary, it is the only one that Ignatius has received approval for. I have a copy of this Lectionary and it is very nice (although I had to pay the full $270 for it).

Francesco said...


Is the Ignatius Lectionary in Anglicanized English? I have a feeling the answer is "no", which would make this move very interesting for the members of the Ordinariate in England & Wales.

Fr. Christopher George Phillips said...

It is indeed the RSV-2CE lectionary. The rubrics of the Book of Divine Worship, approved by the Holy See, gives specific permission for the Anglican Use parishes to use the RSV for the liturgy. Since the Collegeville lectionary is long out of print, the Ignatius lectionary is our only option. Msgr Newton, the Ordinary in England and Wales, was overjoyed to be able to receive copies of the lectionary for use in the Ordinariate groups. Of course, we hope that the future growth of the Ordinariates will allow for our own printing of an RSV lectionary, reflecting our own calendar when it is approved.

rolf said...

Francesco, it is not Anglicanized English. The RSV-2CE Lectionary translation is the same as the RSV-2CE Bible.