Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Catholic Faith and Family Bible

Due out in January 2010, The Catholic Faith and Family Bible is a project developed by the Center for Ministry Development, in partnership with Our Sunday Visitor and HarperCollins. Although this project is set to be released in five months, there is already a decent amount of information about it online. You can see more about it here, including a link to sample pages. So check it out and feel free to comment on what you think about it so far!
(Thanks to reader Matt for the link!)


Keith said...

The involvement of Our Sunday Visitor gives the project a great deal of credibility from my standpoint. I looked over the sample pages and I think this just might be what we need in our family to help build a love of scripture.

St Edwards Blog said...

The sample pages look interesting - thanks for this post, I knew nothing about this.


Anonymous said...

You are very welcome! I love the blog, so I'm happy to contribute. I just happened to meet one of the contributors this week, and she seemed shocked that I had heard of it (in a good way).

Timothy said...


I agree with your points. Plus, I figure that the more different editions of Catholic Bibles that are published the better chances that we will all find one that fits our needs.


Anytime you hear anything, make sure to let me know. While I try to check out the various sites weekly for new Bible editions, I can easily miss some. Thanks again!