The leather is stiff out of the box but it softens very quickly with use. I've been using a leather large print for about three years and I can't believe how well it is holding up. And how floppy soft it is now. The only problem is that the type of printing used allows the ink to fade over time, so the letters are now gray rather than black.
How does their leather RSV-CE compare to the Oxford edition?
The leather is a little stiff, except for the bonded leather of the CSSI Bible. I'd go for the synthetic leather, which is much softer.
The leather is stiff out of the box but it softens very quickly with use. I've been using a leather large print for about three years and I can't believe how well it is holding up. And how floppy soft it is now. The only problem is that the type of printing used allows the ink to fade over time, so the letters are now gray rather than black.
Still, this is one of the best.
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