Monday, February 7, 2011

Your Favorite RSV Edition

Yeah, I really like this Oxford RSV w/ Apocrypha 50th Anniversary Bible that reader Tim sent to me last week. It just has a really nice feel to it, and it truly is inviting to read. I don't say that often about most Bible editions, but this one really deserves it. As a matter of fact, I think I may look for one in genuine leather in the future.

So that brings me to my question for today, which hopefully will engage those of you who love the RSV. (BTW, I like the RSV quite a bit as well!)

What is your favorite edition of the RSV and why?

(Feel free to refer to the original, Catholic, w/Apocrypha, or RSV-2CE editions.)


  1. My favorite version of the RSV is the one that Ignatius Press has not published yet, it is the RSV-2CE giant print edition in leather. It will have maps in the back and cross-references through out. Ignatius, help us 'slightly' older readers out!

  2. RSV-CE, large print, leather, St. Benedict Press. Simple, clean, excellent for reading. No clutter to get in the way but includes lectionaries to facilitate ordered reading. One of my favorite bibles ever. A real pleasure to hold and to read. (Even if it is glued!)

  3. The RSV-CE2 is definitely the best RSV edition available. One: because it is the Catholic Edition, two: because it is the only aesthetically pleasing Catholic RSV available with the original notes and Nelson cross-references, and three: because the revisions made are definite improvements and closer to the Latin norm (Nova Vulgata) than any other English translation available.

    To those who may lament the loss of the old English: get a Douay-Rheims for devotional reading. Although the DR is my preference anyway, the absence of the old English makes the RSVCE-2 better for group study or liturgy (in most modern folks opinions.)

    BTW, the RSVCE-2 is being published with ecclesiastical approval under the same imprimatur and nihil obstat as the first edition, as listed in the NT Study Bible.

  4. If you are going to include out-of-print editions (e.g., your new favorite volume) then I would have great difficulty in choosing a version, since there are a number of outstanding out-of-print editions. But it is something of a tease to include this as a favorite volume because it is relatively rare.

    However, if we limit ourselves to in-print editions, then it is pretty easy: the May/Metzger New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Revised Standard Version, Expanded Edition available in hardcover for $29 and in genuine leather for $66.


    * Highly readable -- with opaque paper, small pages, and comfortable typesetting (this was physically the high water point of the Oxford Annotated Bible series).

    * High quality binding (and in the leather version, reasonable leather).

    * Contains the 2nd edition of the RSV NT (which incorporated most of the changes of the revised RSV-CE NT).

    * Contains both Catholic and Orthodox Deuterocanonical books.

    * Contains ecumenical, brief commentary -- with many entries from the translation team itself.

    * 1965 edition was recommended (and given imprimatur) by Cardinal Cushing.

    * Widely used as a textbook in seminaries (including Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant seminaries) and colleges.

    Of course, the challenge of hunting an out-of-print edition can be pleasurable, but I like being able to click on Amazon and the next day get a high-quality print edition in perfect unused condition and a no-nonsense "return if unsatisfied" return policy.

    Another widely appreciated (and in-print) RSV edition that you do not mention here (New Testament only) is the German Bible Society's Greek-English Diglot available for $38.

  5. Although I have several copies of the RSV, I personally have never been able to use the text for a prolonged period of time, except for a time about 4 years ago when I set upon my journey in becoming Catholic and, thus, familiarizing myself more with the text of the Bible. I used a Scepter Compact RSV-CE then - though, it doesn't make the cut when it comes my preferred RSV.

    That honor goes to the Ignatius Compact RSV-2CE New Testament and Psalms. While I'm no fan of the somewhat ostentatious iconic cover art, faithful and pious though it may be, I find it completely suitable to the compact version. Also, the text - from the translation, the font, the type, the spacing - is superb has yet to be matched, in my opinion. I keep this treasure at my desk at the office and turn to it from time to time, flipping to random passages, and getting a little inspiration in the most sluggish of days.

  6. Not a fan of RSV, RSV-CE or RSV-CE2 but of these my favorite would be the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament since it contains all the great study aides, articles, footnotes, and apprendices.

  7. My favorite in an edition that I've had for years and have just begun to read again.

    It's an Oxford RSV Pocket Reference edition, a small (4" X 6"), leather bound edition with center column references and a tiny but extremely readable font printed on classic India paper.

    It was my first pocket Bible and, for both design reasons and sentimental reasons, the nicest pocket-sized Bible I've ever owned.

  8. This is a question I can't really answer because I have never owned any RSV-based Bible. I know the RSV-CE is very well regarded by Catholic apologists and conservative Catholics, and the passages I have read online are very good. But recently I won a copy of the Knox Bible from Tim, and although the Knox and RSV are two different translations, the styles (British flavor, very mild archaic language) are so similar that for me, getting a RSV has been put on the back burner for now. If I were to invest in a RSV in the near future, it would most likely be the Truth & Life dramatized audio Bible rather than a print edition.

  9. I have never been 100% satisfied with any of the editions that I have come across.

    What I really want is an RSC-2CE Pitt Minion Reference Edition in Goatskin for about $50.

    And so I am not holding my breath. The RSC-2CE NT and Psalms is a nice little book but you have to break it in for a while. Generally I am not a fan of Ignatius' glossy pages and I think they are hard on the binding because of the weight of the book.

    If St. Benedict Press would come out with a center column cross-reference version of the RSVCE that would be nice.

  10. One of my favorites is the RSV-CE Navarre Bible Expanded Edition, although it is much too big to carry around. I like the cream colored paper, single column text for scripture, black/red ink, wide margins, nice binding and the commentary is wonderful. I could have done without the Latin which would have made this NT less cumbersome. I read it often.

    My other favorite is the RSV-2CE Ignatius Catholic Study Bible. Decent paper, mediocre binding (which I found unusual for Ignatius because they usually have very good binding even for paperback), and outstanding commentary. It has lots of maps and word studies which I very much appreciate. I use this Bible most often but it doesn't "feel" good in my hands.

    I can't wait for the OT Ignatius Bible to be finished so I can have a complete Study Bible! My dream is that they will use cream colored paper like the Navarre, use single column, wide margins, pliable leather (like my NKJV Kirkbride), keep the icons on the cover and of course continue with the wonderful commentary.

    Peace and all good,
