Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Article on Little Rock Study Bible

There is an interesting article that was recently published by the Times Record Online, from the Arkansas area, detailing the upcoming Little Rock Catholic Study Bible, which is due to be published this Summer. You can read the article here. The article has some quotes from various editors of the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible, discussing some of the unique features of this upcoming publication. For more info on the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible, you can follow this link.


  1. Thanks, Tim. I think this is the NABRE edition that I am going to invest in.

  2. I am going to purchase a NABRE Study Bible this summer when they are released, but I don't know if it will be this one or the Oxford Catholic Study Bible. I will wait until they are both released and check them out at my local Catholic bookstore.

  3. I've been looking over the sample pages of the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible, and some of the the things that I like are; the single column format, the cross references along the outside of the text and the devotional nature of this Study Bible as opposed to the Oxford Catholic Study Bible (which with its 500 page reading guide is a little more scholarly). I have not decided yet if those informational boxes placed in the script are too distracting or not, I'll have to see the actual copy at the bookstore.

  4. Rolf,

    Yes, the page format of the LRCSB is very appealing. May be one of the few single-column Catholic Bibles in existence. I will be ordering a reading NABRE in March to get a feeling of the translation. At that point, I will decide if I want to invest in a study Bible. I hope I do.

  5. Rolf -- I am sure that the editors showed the "best" pages for their sample download. But I don't think you will have much trouble deciding between this and the Oxford Catholic Study Bible. They seem quite different.

    Tim -- I would think that Confraternity would be putting the NABRE online -- I think that is the version I will use until publishers release later this summer, a paper copy that I actually I want to own. (The chief disadvantage of using a web-based copy temporarily is that one can't carry it places -- but since almost no one else will have the NABRE right after it comes out, I don't think that will be a significant disadvantage.)

  6. Timothy,

    I also will be ordering an NABRE large print edition from Oxford in March, when it is released.

  7. Theophrastus,

    They are quite different, I already own the current Oxford Catholic Study Bible, so I am leaning toward The Little Rock Catholic Study Bible.

  8. I'm with Theophrastus on this. I'm not in much of a rush to buy one version or the other, and wouldn't mind looking at it online first to see how I like it.

    Also, I'm sure lots of people (from scholars to amateur experts) will sift through it and develop an overall informed opinion about the NABRE. Watching such things from my comfy chair will probably be fun.

  9. The weird thing for me about the comments in the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible sample is that they were aimed at a much simpler level than the text of the the NAB itself (and certainly of its footnotes). I think that this sort of format would work much better with a simpler translation such as the Good News Translation.

    Anyway, Francesco is right -- after the book (and translation) comes out, we'll be able to make a more informed judgment.

  10. I wonder what size the font will be. I wonder if they will have Large Print? I think I would really enjoy this Bible. I enjoy the print for my Bibles on my Kindle....I don't have to worry about the small print.
