Sunday, October 24, 2010

Proud to Present My Daughter

I am very delighted to announce the birth of my first child, Gianna Maria. She was born on Friday at 1:38PM. We named her after one of our favorite saints, St. Gianna Molla.
As my wife went into labor on Friday morning, one piece of Scripture immediately entered my mind and has remained with me over the past few days. Although my wife did all the heavy lifting, we both found great comfort in these words of our Lord:

"When a woman is in labor, she has pain, because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy of having brought a human being into the world. So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you."
-John 16:21-22 (NRSV)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! God bless and keep you and the growing family.

  2. Congratulations Timothy!!! And what a great Italian name. May our Lord bless your family!!!

  3. My goodness, congratulations! May God grant you all many years! :-)

  4. Congratulations to you and your wife!!!!!! Will keep your family in my prayers. What joy she will bring you. Sharon in Waxahachie, Texas.

  5. I would say "God bless" but he already has. What a great beginning.
    Many years and many more.


  6. Congratulations, Timothy, and thanks be to God!

  7. Praise God! Prayers for you and your wife, too.

  8. Congratulations and God Bless you and your family, May St. Gianna Bless and protect her always.

    John Blake.

  9. Congratulations and God Bless You and your family.

  10. Congratulations. You're life has changed in ways you cannot hardly imagine, in ways that will bring both challenge and grace. And in it all you will discover a love you hardly imagined possible.

  11. Many, many congratulations! What wonderful news! Deo Gratias!!!

  12. Tim, my belated congratulations to you on your baby daughter!

    My apologies. I've been out of the loop and just catching up on blogging friends on my google reader.
