Monday, October 25, 2010

Collins NRSV with Grail Psalms

Yea, so I missed this comment at the original post on the Collins NRSV with Grail Psalms to be published in the UK. Thank you Sam for the following info.

Sam Richardson:

Hi there, I'm the editorial director at Collins, I can confirm a few points about this Bible. It will contain the current versions of the NRSV and the Grail Psalms that are used in the UK - if and when CBCEW approve revised versions for a new lectionary (as is happening in the US with the Grail Psalms and in Canada with the NRSV) then we will update this product accordingly. However, as the timings on this seem rather up in the air at the moment, we have decided to push ahead with this Bible now, as our survey data suggests catholics in the UK are now mostly buying NRSV for their personal study rather than JB. The Grail Psalms will be added at the back rather than in place of the NRSV Psalms.


  1. Will we be able to purchase one here in the states? Sharon in Texas.

  2. You should be able to order through

  3. Thanks Timothy and found it on the Amzon,uk site. Will be available in hardcover and leather and has a 17 Feb 2011 release date. Sharon

  4. I think the whole idea of this project is very innovative and seems to be very attentive to the needs of Catholics. I would be very happy to have an NRSV with the Grail Psalms in the appendix. I love the Pslams, so I certainly welcome it. I would like to know if there will be additional features like cross-references or a listing of Mass readings.

  5. I am puzzled as to why the new Collins NRSV with Grail Psalms Bible did not use the Revised Grail Psalms.
