Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Upcoming Bible Releases

It's summer, which is a very good thing here in Michigan! The weather has been great, with lots of sunny days but without the oppressive heat and humidity. Major automotive companies have emerged out of bankruptcy and the Tigers are in first place. So it must be time to just sit back and relax?

Well, if you are as twisted as I am, now is the perfect time to look at some upcoming Bible releases! I hear dozens of people shouting "hooray" in the background. Or was that just me?

So, what is there to look forward to for the second half of the year in regards to Catholic Bible releases? (Please note that I include any Bible that contains the Catholic canon to fit into that category). The answer to that question varies, depending on what translation you prefer.

If you like the NAB or NJB, then there won't be much coming out that you need. Both translations are in a state of flux, not surprisingly. The NAB revised OT, including re-revised Psalms, is set to come out late this or early next year. Of course that all depends on when the re-revised Psalms are completed and approved by the USCCB. Stay tuned! As for the NJB, there is that "Bible in its Traditions" project that is underway, but when that will be completed, in an English edition, is unknown.

Lovers of the Douay-Rheims will rejoice that a new edition, mentioned recently on this blog, will be coming out in August. Although I do not use the Douay-Rheims on a regular basis, it is nice to see that Tan/Saint Benedict Press will be issuing the venerable old translation in a genuine leather edition. This new edition will also come with some new maps, as well as possibly a new type-setting. It would be nice to see the Douay-Rheims in a type-setting that might be attractive to someone in the 21st century.

As for the RSV-CE, Ignatius Press has recently published the Letters of St. John and the Book of Revelation in their final volume of the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament. There are rumors that a possible one-volume edition of the complete New Testament is coming soon, possibly by the end of the year.

Last, but certainly not least, is the NRSV. Of all the Bible translations mentioned, the NRSV continues to be the one that has the greatest potential of a continued stream of new releases that interest Catholic readers. This has everything to do with HarperCollins, who continues to promote their NRSV in a wide-range of editions. For the most part, HarperCollins has succeeded in bringing greater awareness of the NRSV translation. Now if they would only publish an edition of the NRSV with cross-references and maps, then I will be a very happy man indeed!

Here is a list of upcoming NRSV releases:

NRSV Life with God Bible with Deuterocanonicals

The Go-Anywhere Compact NRSV Thinline Bible with Apocrypha

NRSV Catholic Faith and Family Bible

Saint Mary's Press Personal Journey Bible NRSV NT and Psalms (This is a youth Bible released earlier this year)


  1. Tim, you are a happy man indeed. I`m impressed with how Harper-Collins has marketed the NRSV to everyone.

  2. I just received by copy of 'The Catholic Bible Concordance' which you mentioned earlier in the year on your blog. It references the RSV-CE and the RSV-2CE translations. It is published by Emmaus Road Publishing, and is about 2173 pages long. The book is 'fairly' compact considering the number of pages (probably because the printing is a little small). What I like about this concordance is that it lists the revisions of the RSV-2CE in an appendix in the back. Now it lists it in concordance form, listing the word that has changed, then lists the scripture reference and a sample of that verse. This works well if you have a copy of the RSV-CE and can cross reference to see the change.

  3. I just ordered the HarpersBible NRSV Catholic Edition pictured here. How do I know if this is the more updated NRSV or just the standard NRSV? Or is there only one version of the NRSV Catholic Edition?

  4. The NRSV has "Inclusive Language", which means that Rome will not approve of it!. The top translations for Catholics right now are the RSV CE and the Douay Rheims. Why must you keep promoting a translation that is disapproved by both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches!..
