Friday, July 10, 2009

New Bible Translation Chart

Elshaddai Edwards over at his always illuminating He is Sufficient blog posted a new translation chart which can be found on the Biblica site. Biblica is supported by the International Bible Society, most known for the NIV and TNIV translations. Not surprising, the NIV and TNIV hold a prominent spot on this chart! It contains many of the most popular translations out there, including many Catholic ones. The notable exceptions being the Douay-Rheims and the English Standard Version. I can somewhat understand why the Douay-Rheims is not on there, but the ESV is a bit of a mystery.
Another thing about this chart that I do not get is in the way that the Dynamic and Formal sides are organized. For instance, wouldn't the New Living Translation be less dynamic than the Good News Bible? Therefore, shouldn't it be below the Good News Bible? Since the NKJB is at the top of the formal side, does that make it the most formal? I am not too sure about that.


  1. Does the vertical dimension in the chart have any significance? I would not have thought so.

  2. It doesn't appear so, but shouldn't it?

  3. I thought they were just stacks of books and not really informative in a meaningful way. But also glad to see the REB listed as a "balanced" translation, even if it's leaning left.

  4. Yeah, the Good News Bible should not be stacked evenly with the NJB either, it is by far the most dynamic translation on this chart.

  5. Of course the ESV, HCSB, CEV and NCV aren't on the stack. I dont' think the Message would even make it onto the stack since it's on another level of its own.

  6. Kevin,

    Yeah, I totally forgot about the HCSB. That should probably be on there as well. As for the Message, that one might need another column on the left.
