Sunday, March 22, 2009

NRSV New Testament Audio Bible

I will be honest, I don't often use audio Bibles. Sure, I have a copy of the TNIV: The Bible Experience New Testament in my car, but I have not listened to it much. When I have listened to it, I have come to appreciate its overall production value, minus the occasional song which, to me, breaks up the flow of the text. Overall, however, I just never think to actually listen to the thing.
So, why on earth did I decide to purchase the NRSV New Testament audio Bible? That is indeed a good question! Perhaps is it just my obsession with all things Bibles? (Hmmm....I think somebody has figured out what he is going to give up next Lent! Yeah, that's Lent!) Moving on, I think the main reason I picked up the NRSV Audio Bible is because I am leaning towards making the NRSV my everyday Bible for prayer, study, and ministry work. Also, while the production quality of the TNIV version is very high, I am not going to be using a TNIV anytime soon, since there isn't likely to be an edition that includes the Deuterocanonical books. It just seems to make sense. For those of you who like the NAB or RSV, there are audio Bible available in those editions as well.
So, what can I say about the NRSV Audio Bible? Not too much. It is simply a very solid audio recording of the NRSV New Testament. It is read by Marquis Laughlin, who at least to my ears is very capable of proclaiming the Sacred texts. He does a straight reading of the text, without any special audio effects or the occasional song. One particular element of his reading is that he includes the NRSV paragraph headings in his presentation, which may be annoying depending on your preferences. But overall, I find that this audio Bible is very clear and meets my expectations.
If you are looking to purchase this audio Bible, the only store I have seen it in stock, in-store, is Cokesbury. I ended up purchasing my edition at, which also includes an audio sample. I am unaware at this time of an audio edition of the whole NRSV Bible.
Anyone actually use an audio Bible on a regular basis? Which version do you use? What has been your experience using it?


  1. Minor grammatical correction, you 'edition' not 'addition', I know you know the difference but sometimes when writing it is easy to make silly mistakes.

    Anyway, I am not sure that there will never be an edition of the TNIV with deuterocanonicals. There is currently a major resurgence of interest in the inter-testament literature among evangelicals, the books are being seriously studied in evangelical seminaries and Bible Colleges and it seems every 'big' evangelical Bible has to include them. If the TNIV wants to be 'relevant' it will have to eventually include them.

  2. Michael,

    Correction noted! (Perhaps I will have you proof read my upcoming Prophets term paper! ;) )

    As for the TNIV, I just don't see it happening. I mean take a look at the ESV, the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical edition was produced by Oxford, not Crossway. Is it possible? Sure, but not likely in my mind.

  3. I'm still listening to the NIV on cassette in my car b/c I'm too cheap to invest in a newer CD. But I'll have to look into this one. I've never seen the NRSV audio bible in stores yet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Timothy:

    It is great to hear your comments about the NRSV Audio NT Bible. I purchased the Bible Experience NT a while back and found it pretty good, but my primary Bible is the NRSV. It sounds like I need to purchase the NRSV NT.

    I really enjoy your blog!

  6. Greg Terry,

    Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, like I said in the review, the NRSV audio is a basic audio Bible, not as elaborate as the TNIV Bible Experience. But if you primarily use the NRSV, its a great tool to have.

  7. I just came across this blog doing a web search on an NRSV audio Bible I am blind and therefore rely on audio Bibles to do at least some of my devotional reading and Bible study.

    I actually do have a complete NRSV audio Bible that has both OT and NT but not the deuterocanonical books. this NRSV is a dramatized version from

    while I enjoy this Bible, I was actually looking for a nondramatized complete nrsv audio bBible that included the deuterocanonical books. and, no, I am not Catholic but just a Christian who is intersted in the Holy scriptures and the rich heritage of the church.

    For a lot of Bible reading, I use Bibles in etext or html on my computer or a portable reading device for the blind.. I also use Bible programs on the computer. I especially like audio bibles for my devotional reading, though, as this does not tempt me to get lost in footnotes rather than concentrate on the word. I also like audio bibles for reading longer passages that I am not that familiar with. For some of these, dramatized bibles are excellent.

    I use "the Mesage bible" in audio for much of my devotional reading. the reader of this is excellent, one of the best I have heard. this is a straight voice only recording. while the "Message bible" is a paraphrase and therefore not a study Bible, its colloquial language makes it very personal reading.

    for more serious reading and study, I use the NRSV or ESV or NIV. I am also familiar with the "bible Experience" and enjoy it but find the sound score and especially the songs distractive sometimes.

    Thanks for putting up this blog.

  8. Check out Hendrickson's new production of the NRSV complete with Apochrypha is the best narration to date and makes study so beneficial. Go to

  9. Anon,

    I have post scheduled for next week about the upcoming Catholic version.

  10. NRSV has received the widest acclaim and broadest support from academics. bUT OF COURSE, listening to KJV audio bible, makes the study fully authorized. A profound gravity, careful scholarship, and surpassing literary quality .
