Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New NRSV Notes Wiki Site

A new site has emerged that looks to contribute additional textual/translation notes regarding the NRSV. While the NRSV has its fair share of textual footnotes, there are places where additional translation choices could be an important aid in reading. This project is being initiated on the conviction that:

"we need more cross-pollination between translations and probably fewer distinctive translations. The average reader wants to know his options working from a decent base text (none of which will be perfect), and additional notes meet the need. This project is not attempting to create an approved liturgical text, but rather a supplemented text for "lecto divina" ("divine" or holy/prayerful reading)."

More info can be found here, including why the NRSV was chosen as the base text. I am happy to be helping out a bit with this project, particularly since I think the NRSV is, on the whole, a very good translation.

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