One day, I would really like to see the leather edition of this compact New Testament. Until then, I have found this handy little paperback edition to be very helpful for devotional reading before Mass, as well as during our Sunday family rosary. With the uncertainty of ever seeing a compact Knox from Baronius Press, this may the best option out there.
"Such was the history of Nicanor; and since that time the city has been in Jewish possession. Here, then, I will make an end of writing; if it has been done workmanly, and in historian’s fashion, none better pleased than I; if it is of little merit, I must be humoured none the less. Nothing but wine to take, nothing but water, thy health forbids; vary thy drinking, and thou shalt find content. So it is with reading; if the book be too nicely polished at every point, it grows wearisome. So here we will have done with it." --2 Maccabees 15:38-40
You're welcome! :-) Glad you're enjoying it.
If the Protestants can come up with all sorts of editions for the KJV, why can't we Catholics do the same for the more "classical" translations of the Vulgate? Yes, Baronius has a pocket-sized DR, and Scepter has its popular NT-Confraternity. But maybe it's high time for publishers to produce mass-market editions (pocket sized and cheaper paperback) editions of the Knox, DR, and Confraternity-DR bibles. These translations ought to be readily available for all, not just to those who can afford them.
God bless!
Knox and Confraternity Bibles can be found inexpensively if one looks and is patient. Confraternity Bibles are frequently found in used bookstores for under $10, and its possible to get a Knox without breaking the bank if you watch Amazon, AbeBooks, or E-Bay.
The big problem is that because as Catholics we are generally not Bible junkies we just don't buy enough to warrant a mass market paperback. King James can because like 1 in 5 Bibles bought are King James. Most Catholic kids get one from CCD and since Catholics don't consume the Bible like Protestants, one is often all they ever want.
I'm not saying that's how it should be, but that's what we need to get more people doing... Just reading it at all. Ultimately the best is the one that will actually get read, irregardless if it is Knox or DR, or a NAB or New Jerusalem.
I found a nice Confraternity NT (1948) on e-bay for 12.95 It is is in nice condition and still has (8)font size, single column and despite its small size (5 1/8 x 3 1/4) it is very readable. What I like most about the older Bibles is the thicker paper and a lot less bleed through than the newer Bibles. With many of the new Bibles the bleed through has become very distracting! Unfortunately it has become the new norm.
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