Psalm 124
1 A song of ascents. Of David.
Had not the LORD been with us,
let Israel say,
2 Had not the LORD been with us,
when people rose against us,
3 Then they would have swallowed us alive,
for their fury blazed against us.
4 Then the waters would have engulfed us,
the torrent overwhelmed us;
5 then seething water would have drowned us.
6 Blessed is the LORD, who did not leave us
to be torn by their teeth.
7 We escaped with our lives
like a bird from the fowler’s snare;
The snare was broken,
and we escaped.
8 Our help is in the name of the LORD,
the maker of heaven and earth
1 A Song of Ascents. Of David.
"If the LORD had not been on our side,"
let Israel say--
2 "If the LORD had not been on our side
when people rose against us,
3 then would they have swallowed us alive
when their anger was kindled.
4 Then would the waters have engulfed us,
the torrent gone over us;
5 over our head would have swept
the raging waters."
6 Blest be the LORD who did not not give us
a prey to their teeth!
7 Our life, like a bird, has escaped
from the snare of the fowler.
Indeed, the snare has been broken,
and we have escaped.
8 Our help is in the name of the LORD,
who made heaver and earth.
--Revised Grail Psalms
NABRE notes:
[Psalm 124] A thanksgiving which teaches that Israel’s very existence is owed to God who rescues them. In the first part Israel’s enemies are compared to the mythic sea dragon (Ps 124:2b–3a; cf. Jer 51:34) and Flood (Ps 124:3b–5; cf. Is 51:9–10). The Psalm heightens the malice of human enemies by linking them to the primordial enemies of God’s creation. Israel is a bird freed from the trapper’s snare (Ps 124:6–8)—freed originally from Pharaoh and now from the current danger. [124:8] Our help is in the name: for the idiom, see Ex 18:4.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Mary (May) Contest Winner
Congrats to Brenda R, who was randomly selected as the winner of the contest. Brenda, please send your name and address to mccorm45 (at) yahoo (dot) com to claim your prize.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
State Your Case: Your Ideal Bible
A couple years back I planned on starting a semi-regular series of posts providing a forum for you, my faithful readers, to discuss your various likes and dislikes concerning various issues in the world of Catholic Bibles. As with some series that I have done on this blog, I never quite got around to making it a permanent monthly or bi-monthly post. Well, let's give it another try!
The first "State Your Case" focused on the question: "What translation do you prefer and why?" I felt that the discussion that followed was quite good. Most of the responses provided reasoned details as to why the particular responder liked this or that translation. So, what will be today's topic?
This edition of "State Your Case" asks the following question: "What would your ideal Catholic Bible consist of?" This is, of course, not a new question to this blog, but one which I think is always fun to ask from time to time. Your response should address not only issues regarding translation, but primarily focus on the style of the Bible and what features you think should be included in it.
Some additional ground rules to consider:
1) If the issue of which translation you prefer is important, please keep focused on the one you choose. Don't let your argument become too obsessed with pointing out every little perceived "fault" or "error" in other translations without recourse to your own translation of choice.
2) Use specific examples! If you need to compare and contrast other Bible editions on the market, please do so.
3) Be independent in your thought! Please do not say "Fr. X says this" or "Mother X said that" about this or that translation.
4) Humor is welcomed and even encouraged!
5) Use real life examples! What I mean by this is how and where do you use your Bible of choice? Bible study? Mass? School? How has it worked in these situations? One could also consider explaining why they like the particular edition of their favorite Bible translation in this section. It's up to you.
Think of this whole exercise as your closing statement in a courtroom trial....but just not as long.
The first "State Your Case" focused on the question: "What translation do you prefer and why?" I felt that the discussion that followed was quite good. Most of the responses provided reasoned details as to why the particular responder liked this or that translation. So, what will be today's topic?
This edition of "State Your Case" asks the following question: "What would your ideal Catholic Bible consist of?" This is, of course, not a new question to this blog, but one which I think is always fun to ask from time to time. Your response should address not only issues regarding translation, but primarily focus on the style of the Bible and what features you think should be included in it.
Some additional ground rules to consider:
1) If the issue of which translation you prefer is important, please keep focused on the one you choose. Don't let your argument become too obsessed with pointing out every little perceived "fault" or "error" in other translations without recourse to your own translation of choice.
2) Use specific examples! If you need to compare and contrast other Bible editions on the market, please do so.
3) Be independent in your thought! Please do not say "Fr. X says this" or "Mother X said that" about this or that translation.
4) Humor is welcomed and even encouraged!
5) Use real life examples! What I mean by this is how and where do you use your Bible of choice? Bible study? Mass? School? How has it worked in these situations? One could also consider explaining why they like the particular edition of their favorite Bible translation in this section. It's up to you.
Think of this whole exercise as your closing statement in a courtroom trial....but just not as long.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Bible Edition Review: HarperOne NABRE (Hardcover)
Over the past decade, HarperOne has been known for its unique editions of the NRSV translation. With editions like the Standard, Thinline, Live Youth, and Family Bible, HarperOne has made the NRSV more attractive and accessible to many Catholics. Now, for the first time, HarperOne has been licensed to publish the New American Bible Revised Edition. The HarperOne NABRE currently comes in hardcover, soon to be followed by E-book and imitation leather editions in May. For those looking for an edition of the NABRE that is visually different than many of the previous, cookie-cutter ones, this one might just be the NABRE you are looking for. I am not providing any personal pictures of the hardback edition that I own, since you can view a considerable number of sample pages here.
There are many positive elements to the HarperOne NABRE. First, and foremost, is the fact that it comes in a beautiful and attractive layout. The size of the font is pretty standard for a Bible of its size, but the real bonus is the intelligent use of red ink to highlight paragraph headings and for chapter/verse references in the notes. This subtle addition makes reading from this Bible certainly more pleasurable, while also giving the overall layout a more contemporary look and feel. Along with the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible, and its single-column format, the HarperOne NABRE is easily one of the nicest looking NABRE on the market today.
The overall look of this Bible is enhanced by the wise ordering of the notes and cross-references. Instead of the standard NAB(RE) look, this edition’s notes and cross-references are organized into three columns at the bottom of each page. While smaller than the sacred text, the notes are not so small as to be difficult to read. Along with the notes, some have complained about the cross-referencing tool found in a number of NAB(RE)’s of the past. In this edition, however, they are easily found in the third column after the notes. The use of asterisks alerts the reader to a note, while a simple letter indicates a cross-reference. Again, very simple and very easy to use.
Three additional features make this edition standout. First of all, in the appendix are found 14 full-color Zondervan maps, with map index. While in the past, many of the HarperOne Bibles have either been produced absent of maps or have contained a limited number of drawn or black and white maps, this edition provides large, full-color maps that span the biblical period. The only missing period, which is unfortunate for a Catholic Bible, is the Greek/Maccabean period. Perhaps that was to be expected with maps from Zondervan. At the front of the Bible are 8 Presentation pages, including a photo of Pope Benedict XVI. The presentation pages include sections to record family and Sacramental highlights, including baptism, first communion, confirmation, and matrimony. However, there are no specific sections for children, which is unfortunate. The photo of Pope Benedict is a nice touch. Finally, and quite significantly, this Bible comes in a sewn binding! No need to worry whether or not the binding on this Bible will last.
With all these positive features, I need to mention a few of the negative features. The biggest problem with this edition is that the paper is fairly thin, much like the other NRSV editions. This continues to be an issue with most of the HarperOne Bibles. What makes this even more strange is that this Bible is advertised to come “with fine Bible paper to maximize readability” on the dust cover. Yet, the thin paper actually makes reading the text more difficult. It is not huge problem, don’t get me wrong, but a more opaque Bible paper is desirable. The only other minor deficiency with this Bible, besides the absence of one or two maps covering the Maccabean period, is the lack of Sunday Mass readings. That, of course, is a personal preference, but one which I think should be mandatory in all Catholic Bibles.
I hope to provide a brief review of the imitation leather edition when it is released later in May.
There are many positive elements to the HarperOne NABRE. First, and foremost, is the fact that it comes in a beautiful and attractive layout. The size of the font is pretty standard for a Bible of its size, but the real bonus is the intelligent use of red ink to highlight paragraph headings and for chapter/verse references in the notes. This subtle addition makes reading from this Bible certainly more pleasurable, while also giving the overall layout a more contemporary look and feel. Along with the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible, and its single-column format, the HarperOne NABRE is easily one of the nicest looking NABRE on the market today.
The overall look of this Bible is enhanced by the wise ordering of the notes and cross-references. Instead of the standard NAB(RE) look, this edition’s notes and cross-references are organized into three columns at the bottom of each page. While smaller than the sacred text, the notes are not so small as to be difficult to read. Along with the notes, some have complained about the cross-referencing tool found in a number of NAB(RE)’s of the past. In this edition, however, they are easily found in the third column after the notes. The use of asterisks alerts the reader to a note, while a simple letter indicates a cross-reference. Again, very simple and very easy to use.
Three additional features make this edition standout. First of all, in the appendix are found 14 full-color Zondervan maps, with map index. While in the past, many of the HarperOne Bibles have either been produced absent of maps or have contained a limited number of drawn or black and white maps, this edition provides large, full-color maps that span the biblical period. The only missing period, which is unfortunate for a Catholic Bible, is the Greek/Maccabean period. Perhaps that was to be expected with maps from Zondervan. At the front of the Bible are 8 Presentation pages, including a photo of Pope Benedict XVI. The presentation pages include sections to record family and Sacramental highlights, including baptism, first communion, confirmation, and matrimony. However, there are no specific sections for children, which is unfortunate. The photo of Pope Benedict is a nice touch. Finally, and quite significantly, this Bible comes in a sewn binding! No need to worry whether or not the binding on this Bible will last.
With all these positive features, I need to mention a few of the negative features. The biggest problem with this edition is that the paper is fairly thin, much like the other NRSV editions. This continues to be an issue with most of the HarperOne Bibles. What makes this even more strange is that this Bible is advertised to come “with fine Bible paper to maximize readability” on the dust cover. Yet, the thin paper actually makes reading the text more difficult. It is not huge problem, don’t get me wrong, but a more opaque Bible paper is desirable. The only other minor deficiency with this Bible, besides the absence of one or two maps covering the Maccabean period, is the lack of Sunday Mass readings. That, of course, is a personal preference, but one which I think should be mandatory in all Catholic Bibles.
I hope to provide a brief review of the imitation leather edition when it is released later in May.
B16 on the Truth and Inspiration of the Scriptures
By James V. Schall, S.J. of The Catholic World Report
The annual meeting of the Pontifical Biblical Commission this year was devoted to the topic of “the inspiration and truth of the Bible.” The Holy Father gave a brief comment to the commission members on April 18. This theme of inspiration and truth is needed for a correct interpretation of the Bibles's message. The Bible itself is a product of the Church and Tradition; it was not first written and then the Church appeared. The Church appeared in an organized way. It subsequently recalled and recorded the essential teaching of the Christ and the apostles. The ultimate origin of the Bible is not human but is found in the Logos, in the Word of God. But this origin does not prevent God also from using human instruments. This is what Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul are about.....
You can read the rest of the article here.
HT: Ignatius Insight
The annual meeting of the Pontifical Biblical Commission this year was devoted to the topic of “the inspiration and truth of the Bible.” The Holy Father gave a brief comment to the commission members on April 18. This theme of inspiration and truth is needed for a correct interpretation of the Bibles's message. The Bible itself is a product of the Church and Tradition; it was not first written and then the Church appeared. The Church appeared in an organized way. It subsequently recalled and recorded the essential teaching of the Christ and the apostles. The ultimate origin of the Bible is not human but is found in the Logos, in the Word of God. But this origin does not prevent God also from using human instruments. This is what Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul are about.....
You can read the rest of the article here.
HT: Ignatius Insight
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Month of Mary (May) Contest

The winner will receive the following three items:
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed 9 CD apologetics set by Tim Staples of Catholic Answers
The Secret of Mary by St. Louis de Montfort
Mary of Nazareth by Dr. Kenneth Howell
Monday, April 23, 2012
Monday with the New Psalms: Psalm 123 (122)
Psalm 123
1 A song of ascents.
To you I raise my eyes,
to you enthroned in heaven.
2 Yes, like the eyes of servants
on the hand of their masters,
like the eyes of a maid
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the LORD our God,
till we are shown favor.
3 Show us favor, LORD, show us favor,
for we have our fill of contempt.
4 Our souls are more than sated
with mockery from the insolent,
with contempt from the arrogant.
1 A Song of Ascents.
To you have I lifted up my eyes,
you who dwell in the heavens.
2 Behold, like the eyes of slaves
on the hand of their lords,
like the eyes of a servant
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the LORD our God,
till he shows us his mercy.
3 Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
We are filled with contempt.
4 Indeed, all too full is our soul
with the scorn of the arrogant,
the disdain of the proud.
--Revised Grail Psalms
NABRE Notes:
[Psalm 123] A lament that begins as a prayer of an individual (Ps 123:1), who expresses by a touching comparison exemplary confidence in God (Ps 123:2). The Psalm ends in prayer that God relieve the people’s humiliation at the hands of the arrogant (Ps 123:3–4).
1 A song of ascents.
To you I raise my eyes,
to you enthroned in heaven.
2 Yes, like the eyes of servants
on the hand of their masters,
like the eyes of a maid
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the LORD our God,
till we are shown favor.
3 Show us favor, LORD, show us favor,
for we have our fill of contempt.
4 Our souls are more than sated
with mockery from the insolent,
with contempt from the arrogant.
1 A Song of Ascents.
To you have I lifted up my eyes,
you who dwell in the heavens.
2 Behold, like the eyes of slaves
on the hand of their lords,
like the eyes of a servant
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the LORD our God,
till he shows us his mercy.
3 Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
We are filled with contempt.
4 Indeed, all too full is our soul
with the scorn of the arrogant,
the disdain of the proud.
--Revised Grail Psalms
NABRE Notes:
[Psalm 123] A lament that begins as a prayer of an individual (Ps 123:1), who expresses by a touching comparison exemplary confidence in God (Ps 123:2). The Psalm ends in prayer that God relieve the people’s humiliation at the hands of the arrogant (Ps 123:3–4).
Friday, April 20, 2012
Theandric -- XIV
Another rocking song from Theandric, the creator of the official Catholic Bibles Blog theme song. This time, Theandric provides a meditation on the Fourteenth Station of the Cross, when Jesus is laid in the tomb.
Wrapped in a shroud of silence
Your sacred body without breath
Swallowed by the stillness
Our Lord was put to death
Where else can I go?
You had the words of everlasting life
But now you lie in darkness
And all I have is tears
My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Suffering is joy when your heart is filled with love.
I walked this Way with your sins upon my back.
My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Unless the grain of wheat falls to earth and dies,
It remains just a grain of wheat.
Take up your cross and follow after me.
I am the Life that Death cannot defeat
Wrapped in a shroud of silence
Your sacred body without breath
Swallowed by the stillness
Our Lord was put to death
Where else can I go?
You had the words of everlasting life
But now you lie in darkness
And all I have is tears
My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Suffering is joy when your heart is filled with love.
I walked this Way with your sins upon my back.
My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Unless the grain of wheat falls to earth and dies,
It remains just a grain of wheat.
Take up your cross and follow after me.
I am the Life that Death cannot defeat
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Review: Little Rock Catholic Study Bible (Deluxe Edition)

The basic size specifications are fairly similar to the hardback edition. The Little Rock Catholic Study Bible Deluxe Edition (LRCSBDE) comes in at a large 9 1/2" x 7”, being a little over 2 inches thickness. It contains 2632 pages in total, in addition to 16 full color maps, a 15 page preface/acknowledgment section, and a presentation page with three family tree pages. The family tree section has pages dedicated to the genealogy and Sacramental life of a husband and wife, but only enough room for information about two children. (Four would have been nice, particularly since my wife and I are on #2 currently and hope to provide Gianna and Judah with a couple more siblings, God willing.) The family tree section is not included in the hardback or paperback editions.
Turning back to the page format, the print in the Deluxe Edition seems to be a bit darker than the hardback edition, which allows the Sacred Word to stand out even more. The cross-references are in the upper outer edge of each page, located in a shaded box. The placement of the cross-references, along with the single-column format, makes this Bible a joy to read. In addition, there is plenty of room for personal notes, annotations, and underlining. In that sense, it is similar to the older JB and NJB single-column versions. However, unlike those two Bibles, the LRCSB includes additional study/devotional materials that have been inserted into appropriate places within the text. These include definition of terms and ideas, descriptions of main and not-so-minor characters, archaeological insights, social justice teachings, prayer starters, liturgical use of Scripture, cultural connection, line-drawn maps, and photographs. I have found these inserts to be quite good, particularly when they provide additional information in places where the NABRE text is little light on commentary. An example would be the presence of a photo of Absalom’s tomb located in 2 Samuel 18 (p. 548), where there is no commentary from the NABRE. I have also found a number of helpful inserts in 1 and 2 Chronicles, which is sparsely annotated in the NABRE. The liturgical inserts indicate where particular verses of scripture are used at Mass, as well as in the Liturgy of the Hours.
The social justice inserts touch upon a whole range of issues. I will quote Keith, who commented on Rolf’s
initial review, since I think he captures this well: “All in all the articles are relatively benign and lacking specificity…Overall, in the 50+ boxes on social justice there are not many instances where a liberal political view is endorsed by the LRCSB editors. There may be a little redistribution of wealth that is advocated but nowhere is it advocated that it is the role of government to redistribute wealth. And I will give credit because abortion in one box is dealt with as a social justice issue which is not always the case in some Church circles.” The insert on abortion he mentions is found on p. 148, which deals with the courage of the midwives in the story of the infancy of Moses. It remarks: “we are called to speak out against any injustice that endangers or desires to destroy the life that is meant to emerge. Are you willing to accept your role as a midwife?”
Overall, the LRCSBDE is a very accessible study Bible. I dare say that this may be one of the most attractive Catholic Bibles on the market, with a wonderful overall look and feel. When you flip through it, there are plenty of eye-catching features which make the LRCSBDE almost as comparable to some of the study Bibles that Zondervan produces. It reminds me a bit of the TNIV Study Bible, which is now out-of-print. While the LRCSB is not to the level of the more academic Oxford Catholic Study Bible, it certainly isn’t far off either. While the Oxford editions are enhanced by the Reading Guides, the LRCSB supplies more helpful inserts that supplement the text in appropriate places. In many ways, I find the LRCSB more of a pleasure to read than the Oxford editions. The various maps, charts, and other inserts are placed so well in the text, that they become immediately helpful. While I recommend everyone to examine any study Bible before buying one, certainly one that costs over $50 like the LRCSB, one would do well to consider this as their everyday study Bible. If you want the Deluxe Edition, it is only available on the Little Rock website in limited quantity.
Overall, the LRCSBDE is a very accessible study Bible. I dare say that this may be one of the most attractive Catholic Bibles on the market, with a wonderful overall look and feel. When you flip through it, there are plenty of eye-catching features which make the LRCSBDE almost as comparable to some of the study Bibles that Zondervan produces. It reminds me a bit of the TNIV Study Bible, which is now out-of-print. While the LRCSB is not to the level of the more academic Oxford Catholic Study Bible, it certainly isn’t far off either. While the Oxford editions are enhanced by the Reading Guides, the LRCSB supplies more helpful inserts that supplement the text in appropriate places. In many ways, I find the LRCSB more of a pleasure to read than the Oxford editions. The various maps, charts, and other inserts are placed so well in the text, that they become immediately helpful. While I recommend everyone to examine any study Bible before buying one, certainly one that costs over $50 like the LRCSB, one would do well to consider this as their everyday study Bible. If you want the Deluxe Edition, it is only available on the Little Rock website in limited quantity.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
HarperOne NABRE Now Available!

The hardcover edition of the NABRE from HarperOne is now available. You can even get a look inside on the site here. From what I have seen so far, it looks quite good. While I don't have a copy yet to review, the comments from this customer on may be of some help. If you want the imitation leather or Kindle edition, you will have to wait until May. If anyone happens to get a copy before me and would like to do a guest review, just send me an email.
Guest Post: Emily Kirchner on Choosing a Bible
Emily Kirchner is a freelance writer for Discount Catholic Products, an online retailer of Bibles, scapulars, First communion gifts, and many more. The family’s Bible—passed down from several generations—is one of the most precious gifts her mother has given her. I would like to thank Emily for providing this short article.
Tips in Choosing the Best Bible Translation
Buying a Bible can be more complex than you might think. There are rows upon rows of Bibles at the bookstore, each copy having its own special features. More importantly, numerous translations of the scripture exist, with texts transcribed from the original Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic. Every translation is different, as words can be interpreted differently by each new translator.
Aside from the different language translations, there are also a variety of biblical translations in English, of which the major ones are as follows:
• Literal Versions: These versions give priority to accuracy. Included in this classification are the King James Version, New King James Version, New American Standard Bible, Revised Standard Version, and English Standard Version. One could also include in this list the New American Bible Revised Edition.
• Free (Dynamic) Versions: Readability is given focus in the writing of these translations, the most common of which is the New International Version.
• Paraphrase Versions: These aren’t translations in the strict sense but are written in such a way as to increase readability and gives attention to relating the Bible with culture. The Living Bible and New Living Translation fall in this category.
While we can say that the reference is one same original book, these translations can differ in accuracy and readability. Translation, after all, is a difficult process because the translator must represent what is written without adding personal interpretation. As you veer away from literal translations of the Bible, there is more room for error because of the increased possibility of misinterpretations or wrong analyses.
Which brings us to the question: “which translation is best?” Perhaps the more apt term to use is not the “best translation,” but the “most suitable.” When choosing a Bible, be clear about your purpose or needs are for buying one. While literal versions are said to be the most accurate, they’re better suited for academic, detailed study rather than for personal use. Such versions, for example, are difficult to read because they still use the olden time suffixes like –est or words like “thy.”
If you’re buying one for daily mediation, then a literal version may only bring you words that seem like gobbledygook, making God’s words difficult to ponder upon. Free versions are generally more readable and easier to understand for personal use.
To fulfill my family’s biblical needs, I have two versions in our home: a literal one and a free one. If you have younger kids, it also helps to have an illustrated children’s book. This way, you can always cross-reference when unsure of one version’s contents.
Whatever version you have, it’s important that you read the Bible with family or friends to be able to discuss its meaning. You can always ask someone to help you out when you encounter verses that are unclear, be it a family member or the parish priest. After putting down the Bible, the only thing left to do is to put its words into practice.
Tips in Choosing the Best Bible Translation
Buying a Bible can be more complex than you might think. There are rows upon rows of Bibles at the bookstore, each copy having its own special features. More importantly, numerous translations of the scripture exist, with texts transcribed from the original Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic. Every translation is different, as words can be interpreted differently by each new translator.
Aside from the different language translations, there are also a variety of biblical translations in English, of which the major ones are as follows:
• Literal Versions: These versions give priority to accuracy. Included in this classification are the King James Version, New King James Version, New American Standard Bible, Revised Standard Version, and English Standard Version. One could also include in this list the New American Bible Revised Edition.
• Free (Dynamic) Versions: Readability is given focus in the writing of these translations, the most common of which is the New International Version.
• Paraphrase Versions: These aren’t translations in the strict sense but are written in such a way as to increase readability and gives attention to relating the Bible with culture. The Living Bible and New Living Translation fall in this category.
While we can say that the reference is one same original book, these translations can differ in accuracy and readability. Translation, after all, is a difficult process because the translator must represent what is written without adding personal interpretation. As you veer away from literal translations of the Bible, there is more room for error because of the increased possibility of misinterpretations or wrong analyses.
Which brings us to the question: “which translation is best?” Perhaps the more apt term to use is not the “best translation,” but the “most suitable.” When choosing a Bible, be clear about your purpose or needs are for buying one. While literal versions are said to be the most accurate, they’re better suited for academic, detailed study rather than for personal use. Such versions, for example, are difficult to read because they still use the olden time suffixes like –est or words like “thy.”
If you’re buying one for daily mediation, then a literal version may only bring you words that seem like gobbledygook, making God’s words difficult to ponder upon. Free versions are generally more readable and easier to understand for personal use.
To fulfill my family’s biblical needs, I have two versions in our home: a literal one and a free one. If you have younger kids, it also helps to have an illustrated children’s book. This way, you can always cross-reference when unsure of one version’s contents.
Whatever version you have, it’s important that you read the Bible with family or friends to be able to discuss its meaning. You can always ask someone to help you out when you encounter verses that are unclear, be it a family member or the parish priest. After putting down the Bible, the only thing left to do is to put its words into practice.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Mondays with the New Psalms: Psalm 122 (121)
Psalm 122
1 A song of ascents. Of David.
I rejoiced when they said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the LORD.”
2 And now our feet are standing
within your gates, Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem, built as a city,
walled round about.
4 There the tribes go up,
the tribes of the LORD,
As it was decreed for Israel,
to give thanks to the name of the LORD.
5 There are the thrones of justice,
the thrones of the house of David.
6 For the peace of Jerusalem pray:
“May those who love you prosper!
7 May peace be within your ramparts,
prosperity within your towers.”
8 For the sake of my brothers and friends I say,
“Peace be with you.”
9 For the sake of the house of the LORD, our God,
I pray for your good.
1 A Song of Ascent. Of David.
I rejoiced when they said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the LORD."
2 And now our feet are standing
within your gates, O Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem is built as a city
bonded as one together.
4 It is there that the tribes go up,
the tribes of the LORD.
For Israel's witness it is
to praise the name of the LORD.
5 There were set thrones for judgment,
the thrones of the house of David.
6 For the peace of Jerusalem pray,
"May they prosper, those who love you."
7 May peace abide in your walls,
and security be in your towers.
8 For the sake of my family and friends,
let me say, "Peace upon you."
9 For the sake of the house of the LORD, our God,
I will seek good things for you.
--Revised Grail Psalms
NABRE Notes:
[Psalm 122] A song of Zion, sung by pilgrims obeying the law to visit Jerusalem three times on a journey. The singer anticipates joining the procession into the city (Ps 122:1–3). Jerusalem is a place of encounter, where the people praise God (Ps 122:4) and hear the divine justice mediated by the king (Ps 122:5). The very buildings bespeak God’s power (cf. Ps 48:13–15). May the grace of this place transform the people’s lives (Ps 122:6–9)!
[122:3] Walled round about: lit., “which is joined to it,” probably referring both to the density of the buildings and to the dense population.
1 A song of ascents. Of David.
I rejoiced when they said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the LORD.”
2 And now our feet are standing
within your gates, Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem, built as a city,
walled round about.
4 There the tribes go up,
the tribes of the LORD,
As it was decreed for Israel,
to give thanks to the name of the LORD.
5 There are the thrones of justice,
the thrones of the house of David.
6 For the peace of Jerusalem pray:
“May those who love you prosper!
7 May peace be within your ramparts,
prosperity within your towers.”
8 For the sake of my brothers and friends I say,
“Peace be with you.”
9 For the sake of the house of the LORD, our God,
I pray for your good.
1 A Song of Ascent. Of David.
I rejoiced when they said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the LORD."
2 And now our feet are standing
within your gates, O Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem is built as a city
bonded as one together.
4 It is there that the tribes go up,
the tribes of the LORD.
For Israel's witness it is
to praise the name of the LORD.
5 There were set thrones for judgment,
the thrones of the house of David.
6 For the peace of Jerusalem pray,
"May they prosper, those who love you."
7 May peace abide in your walls,
and security be in your towers.
8 For the sake of my family and friends,
let me say, "Peace upon you."
9 For the sake of the house of the LORD, our God,
I will seek good things for you.
--Revised Grail Psalms
NABRE Notes:
[Psalm 122] A song of Zion, sung by pilgrims obeying the law to visit Jerusalem three times on a journey. The singer anticipates joining the procession into the city (Ps 122:1–3). Jerusalem is a place of encounter, where the people praise God (Ps 122:4) and hear the divine justice mediated by the king (Ps 122:5). The very buildings bespeak God’s power (cf. Ps 48:13–15). May the grace of this place transform the people’s lives (Ps 122:6–9)!
[122:3] Walled round about: lit., “which is joined to it,” probably referring both to the density of the buildings and to the dense population.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
John F. Hobbins on Bible Translations and Christian Unity
John F. Hobbins on Bible Translations and Christian Unity
The above article is an interview with John Hobbins of the Ancient Hebrew Poetry blog. It is definitely worth a look.
The above article is an interview with John Hobbins of the Ancient Hebrew Poetry blog. It is definitely worth a look.
Easter Contest Winner
Congrats to the winner Chad Meyer. All entries were quite good, making this a difficult choice. Chad, please send your mailing address to mccorm45 (at) yahoo (dot) com.
Stay tuned for an upcoming contest for the month of May.
Stay tuned for an upcoming contest for the month of May.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
New CCSS Website and Blog
The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture series has debuted a new website and blog, which you can view here.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Easter Contest
A Blessed Easter to you all! He is Risen!
In celebration of these glorious days, I will be offering an Easter contest. The winning entry will receive a copy of the New Collegeville Bible Commentary: The Acts of the Apostles by Dennis Hamm and the Collins Catholic Bible: NRSV w/ Grail Psalms.
This contest will not be like the ones I have done recently, which were drawn randomly. Here are the rules for this Easter contest:
1) One entry per person. No anonymous entries will be accepted. (If you sign in anonymously, you must include a name at the end of your entry.)
2) Since I am paying for the shipping, I will only be shipping within North America.
3) If you have a blog of your own, I would appreciate you advertising this contest on it. (This is, however, not mandatory for an eligible entry.)
4) All entries must answer the following question in the comment box:
Since we are hearing readings from the Acts of the Apostles at Mass during the Easter season, what is your favorite verse(s) from Acts and why? Please limit the verses to five or less and your reason to under fifty words.
5) All entries must be submitted by Friday, April 13th, at 11:59PM. I will announce the winner on Saturday.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Mondays with the New Psalms: Psalm 121 (120)
Psalm 121
1 A song of ascents.
I raise my eyes toward the mountains.
From whence shall come my help?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not allow your foot to slip;
or your guardian to sleep.
4 Behold, the guardian of Israel
never slumbers nor sleeps.
5 The LORD is your guardian;
the LORD is your shade
at your right hand.
6 By day the sun will not strike you,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will guard you from all evil;
he will guard your soul.
8 The LORD will guard your coming and going
both now and forever.
1 A song of Ascents.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains;
from where shall come my help?
2 My help shall come from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
3 He will keep your foot from stumbling.
Your guard will never slumber.
4 No, he sleeps not nor slumbers,
Israel’s guard.
5 The LORD your guard, the LORD your shade
at your right hand.
6 By day the sun shall not smite you,
nor the moon in the night.
7 The LORD will guard you from evil;
he will guard your soul.
8 The LORD will guard your going and coming,
both now and forever.
--Revised Grail Psalms
NABRE Notes:
[Psalm 121] A blessing given to someone embarking on a dangerous journey whether a soldier going on a campaign or a pilgrim returning home from the Temple. People look anxiously at the wooded hills. Will God protect them on their journey (Ps 121:1)? The speaker declares that God is not confined to a place or a time (Ps 121:2), that every step is guarded (Ps 121:3–4); night and day (Ps 121:5–6) God watches over their every movement (Ps 121:7–8).
[121:1] The mountains: possibly Mount Zion, the site of the Temple and hence of safety, but more probably mountains as a place of dangers, causing anxiety to the psalmist.
[121:5–6] The image of shade, a symbol of protection, is apt: God as shade protects from the harmful effects that ancients believed were caused by the sun and moon.
1 A song of ascents.
I raise my eyes toward the mountains.
From whence shall come my help?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not allow your foot to slip;
or your guardian to sleep.
4 Behold, the guardian of Israel
never slumbers nor sleeps.
5 The LORD is your guardian;
the LORD is your shade
at your right hand.
6 By day the sun will not strike you,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will guard you from all evil;
he will guard your soul.
8 The LORD will guard your coming and going
both now and forever.
1 A song of Ascents.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains;
from where shall come my help?
2 My help shall come from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
3 He will keep your foot from stumbling.
Your guard will never slumber.
4 No, he sleeps not nor slumbers,
Israel’s guard.
5 The LORD your guard, the LORD your shade
at your right hand.
6 By day the sun shall not smite you,
nor the moon in the night.
7 The LORD will guard you from evil;
he will guard your soul.
8 The LORD will guard your going and coming,
both now and forever.
--Revised Grail Psalms
NABRE Notes:
[Psalm 121] A blessing given to someone embarking on a dangerous journey whether a soldier going on a campaign or a pilgrim returning home from the Temple. People look anxiously at the wooded hills. Will God protect them on their journey (Ps 121:1)? The speaker declares that God is not confined to a place or a time (Ps 121:2), that every step is guarded (Ps 121:3–4); night and day (Ps 121:5–6) God watches over their every movement (Ps 121:7–8).
[121:1] The mountains: possibly Mount Zion, the site of the Temple and hence of safety, but more probably mountains as a place of dangers, causing anxiety to the psalmist.
[121:5–6] The image of shade, a symbol of protection, is apt: God as shade protects from the harmful effects that ancients believed were caused by the sun and moon.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Good Friday

and styles himself a child of the LORD. To us he is the censure of our thoughts; merely to see him is a hardship for us, Because his life is not like that of others, and different are his ways. He judges us debased; he holds aloof from our paths as from things impure. He calls blest the destiny of the righteous and boasts that God is his Father. Let us see whether his words be true; let us find out what will happen to him in the end. For if the righteous one is the son of God, God will help him and deliver him from the hand of his foes. With violence and torture let us put him to the test that we may have proof of his gentleness and try his patience. Let us condemn him to a shameful death; for according to his own words, God will take care of him.
--Wisdom 2:12-20 (NABRE)
(Another reason to read the Deuterocanonicals)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
LRCSB Update
According to the Little Rock Scripture Study Facebook site, their warehouse has received the new LRCSB Deluxe Editions. They will begin shipping tomorrow, Holy Thursday, for those who have made a pre-ordered.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
New Series: Mondays with the New Psalms
With the conclusion of the Mondays with Verbum Domini series a few weeks back, I wanted to initiate a new series of posts each Monday morning to fill the void. So, I have decided to begin a weekly post comparing the two most recent Catholic translations of the Psalms, the Revised Grail Psalms and the NABRE Psalms. Each Monday, I will post a particular Psalm in both translations, with limited comments, in hopes of initiating a discussion on them. Having returned to using the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary on a daily basis, which relies heavily on Psalms 120-134, I am going to begin with the Psalms of Ascent (or Gradual Psalms).
Psalm 120
1 A song of ascents.
The LORD answered me
when I called in my distress:
2 LORD, deliver my soul from lying lips,
from a treacherous tongue.
3 What will he inflict on you,
O treacherous tongue,
and what more besides?
4 A warrior’s arrows
sharpened with coals of brush wood!
5 Alas, I am a foreigner in Meshech,
I live among the tents of Kedar!
6 Too long do I live
among those who hate peace.
7 When I speak of peace,
they are for war.
1 A Song of Ascents.
To the LORD in the hour of my distress
I call—and he answers me.
2 “O Lord, save my soul from lying lips,
from the tongue of the deceitful.”
3 What should he give you, what repay you,
O deceitful tongue?
4 The warrior’s arrows sharpened,
with red-hot coals from the broom tree!
5 Alas, that I live in Meschech,
dwell among the tents of Kedar!
6 I have had enough of dwelling
with those who hate peace.
7 I am for peace, but when I speak,
they are for war.
--Revised Grail Psalms
Psalm 120
1 A song of ascents.
The LORD answered me
when I called in my distress:
2 LORD, deliver my soul from lying lips,
from a treacherous tongue.
3 What will he inflict on you,
O treacherous tongue,
and what more besides?
4 A warrior’s arrows
sharpened with coals of brush wood!
5 Alas, I am a foreigner in Meshech,
I live among the tents of Kedar!
6 Too long do I live
among those who hate peace.
7 When I speak of peace,
they are for war.
1 A Song of Ascents.
To the LORD in the hour of my distress
I call—and he answers me.
2 “O Lord, save my soul from lying lips,
from the tongue of the deceitful.”
3 What should he give you, what repay you,
O deceitful tongue?
4 The warrior’s arrows sharpened,
with red-hot coals from the broom tree!
5 Alas, that I live in Meschech,
dwell among the tents of Kedar!
6 I have had enough of dwelling
with those who hate peace.
7 I am for peace, but when I speak,
they are for war.
--Revised Grail Psalms
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