I want to first off thank Geoffrey for last week's review of the Catholic Bible: Personal Study Edition (CBPSE)from Oxford. Since then, I have received a copy, in the burgundy bonded leather version. I thought I would make a few points to supplement what Geoffrey contributed last week.
I will list them below, in no particular order:
**As Geoffrey pointed out, this edition has a ton of information, so don't let the description of "this is a beginner" study Bible fool you. Oftentimes, I think the CBPSE tends to get overlooked in comparison with its older brother the Catholic Study Bible. Yet, it does retain a fair amount of the same material found in the CSB reading guides, while supplimenting it with quite a few more charts and diagrams that the CSB does not include. While I haven't had a chance to compare the two reading guides exhaustively, I can say that my reading throught Joshua, Judges, and Ruth indicated to me that the essential material found in the CSB was also found in the CBPSE. One thing that is unique to the CBPSE reading guides is that at the end of each Biblical book are found questions for discussion and reflection, much like those found at the end of the individual volumes of the ICSB.
**Also it needs to be repeated that the reading guides in the CBPSE are keyed to the NABRE translation, unlike the current CSB. This was obvious to me when examening the reading guide for Leviticus on page 76, where the offering of Leviticus 3 is called a "communion" offering, which the NABRE goes with, and not the previous NAB "peace" offering. While I am sure that the may be a few places where things slipped by the editors, I think I may have spotted one, overall it is up to date with the NABRE.
**The CSB totals 1949 pages, while the CBPSE comes in at 2029 pages.
**The CSB has a additional helpful introductory articles, including ones on "The Biblical Texts and Their Background", "Bible History and Archaeology", and "The Challenges of Biblical Translation". The introductory articles in the CBPSE are bit more basic and less technical.
**Both editions contain an essay on the lectionary, full lectionary calendar of readings, a concise concordance, glossary, in-text maps, and New Oxford Maps in the appendix.
**In the appendix of the CBPSE is found a one page essay on Catholic interpretation of the Scriptures according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and a four page listing of Catholic beliefs in the Bible. The latter includes references for the Sacraments, the cardinal and theological virtues, faith and works, among others.