Tuesday, November 28, 2017

So What Are You Reading This Advent?

Although my wife and I wrote ACTA's Advent devotional Expectantly Waiting in Wonder, it would be a little weird for me to use that as a daily devotional during this upcoming season.  (I don't know, maybe it wouldn't.)  I decided, however, to go with a recently released Advent devotional by NT Wright entitled Advent for Everyone.  It has been a few years since I read Wright, so I thought this might be a nice companion during this upcoming (and very short) Advent. 

What are you reading?


  1. Fr Nicholas King's Bible transltion- thanks for the recommendation.

    Thomas Merton 'The Ascent to Truth'

    Also reading Barbara Newman's 'God and the Goddesses' which explores goddess imagery in Medieval literature, arguing that monotheism in Medieval Christianity was more nuanced than usually acknowledged.

  2. I'm reading Nouwen's 'The Return of the Prodigal Son.' It's the book that helped guide me back to the Church.

  3. I probably won't read anything special this year. I say the Office everyday and there's usually a lot a pertinent texts in there. Especally in the Office of Readings. So I think that'll be enough. On the other hand, if something comes my way, I'll take it.


  4. Since I am chaplain for the parish Vincentians I will read a reflections book entitled, "Advent and Christmas with St. Vincent de Paul", but also this hot new item - "Expectantly Waiting in Wonder" - I forget who the authors are. :)

  5. I’m reading ‘He Leadeth Me’ by Fr. Walter Ciszek. I just read ‘With God in Russia’, so I’m looking forward to this book.


  6. I'm finishing up Robert Cardinal Sarah's "The Power of Silence", and when I'm done I'll move on to "In Sine Jesu". I cannot recommend Cardinal Sarah's book highly enough--it's just incredible, and has taken me months to read because I've read it so slowly and reread most of it at least once.

  7. I like to read The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton during Advent.

  8. Well, I spoke too soon. This came along for a very reasonable price ($3.99), so I took it.

    Just in time, too.

    The First Days of Jesus: The Story of the Incarnation
    By Andreas J. Köstenberger


  9. In Soft Garments ~ Msgr. Knox and rereading Pope Benedict's Encyclical on Hope.
