Sunday, November 15, 2015

National Bible Week: Sunday's Question

For National Bible Week, I will be proposing a question each day for you to consider.  Let's take this week to consider the great gift that is the Holy Scriptures.

Today's Question:
Who is your favorite Bible character?  Why?


  1. Mary Magdalene. John chapter 20 is probably my favorite chapter of the Bible. Her devotion and love for the Lord is obvious, especially as she stands in front of the empty tomb weeping. Mary's encounter with the risen Jesus is very touching and reveales the love he has for her (and us)!

  2. Daniel, " who purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself .....) (kjv) and despite all the temptations he faced throughout his long life he never did.What an example to us all ! We protestants sometimes sing " dare to be a Daniel"
    If only I could!

  3. Peter, because his reactions are invariably human, and invariably mine: "I'm not worthy that you should wash my feet." "Lord, to whom else shall we go? "Let's exnay this crucifixion idea." "Hey, let's put up some tents to make this moment last!"

  4. For me,

    My favorite character is Job.
    Job is a humbly realistic and very human representation of what an everyday Christian face.

    At times, when we are tested by God, we tend to ask, put blame on God, and being hard-headed and hard-hearted to God, and feel pity on ourselves for our lowliness. The book of Job also features some of his friends that also represents our friends in real life that despite the trials in our lives, they remind us to be optimistic and understand God's plan for us despite the difficulties.

    The latter chapters of Job also teaches us a lesson that if we will only acknowledge the omnipotent God that will deliver us from our pains, he will also bless us all the more.

  5. The Apostle John -- a son of thunder -- an exponent of earliest Christianity who survived first century martyrdom of the other 11 in the Twelve handpicked by Jesus of Nazareth

  6. Saint Stephen. His willingness to die for his beliefs and his love for Christ is a powerful witness for me personally. He was also a deacon, which I feel a strong calling towards.

  7. The disabled man from Mark 2 who longs to see Jesus although it is too crowded so they go through the roof.

  8. Mine would have to be St. Peter. He had a habit of putting his foot in his mouth. I can relate.


  9. It's really tough to choose, but I've always loved Joseph of the many colored (or long sleeved) coat. Not only for the typological richness of his story but for his ability to triumph over adversity.


  10. Reading the Bible as literature,I am very interested in John the Baptist. There is so much subtext to read into when he sends the message--"are you the one or should we expect another?"

    Sometimes I think of John sending this message and how Jesus was probably not the messiah he expected. He had fulfilled his purpose and now history marched on without him. I imagine him as a sort of Graham Greene or Shusaku Endo character: purified of his illusions and misconceptions by suffering.

  11. In the new testament I'd have to say Peter. His faults remind me of my own, and his story gives me hope! Of course I love Mary too.

    In the OT I'd have to say either David or Job. David is so human. He screws up big time, but he really loves and has faith in God.

    I love Job because he gets angry with God, but in an honest way. His friends are self-righteous and shallowly pious, telling him that his suffering must be punishment for something bad he has done, or that his ancestors or children have done. Job says no, really I haven't done anything deserving this kind of punishment, and what kind of God punishes people for the sins of their parents or children? Job is right of course, and his friends are afraid of the implications - suffering can happen to good people, including themselves. Suffering is a mystery.

    In the end, God speaks directly to Job, not his friends, explaining that His ways are above man's ways, and beyond our understanding. Suffering is a mystery. Regarding his friends, God says:

    "After the Lord had spoken these words to Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite: “My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has." Job was right, his friends were pious idiots, not helpful at all.

    Before reading Job, I thought it was a nice little morality tale about the importance of endurance in the face of suffering, and trust in God. Well it is that, but more than that it's a penetrating meditation on theodicity, or the meaning of evil and suffering. It's also contains such soaring poetry. It's an amazing book, disturbing in a good way.

  12. Feels kinda weird to see 11 posts so far and I'm probably the first to say "Jesus". I guess I consider him the main character, and without him there's no point to the Bible.
