Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Message Contest

I would like to thank the wonderful people at ACTA Publications for providing me the following new books for this contest.  The theme for this contest is The Message: Catholic/Ecumenical Edition.  The winner will receive a paper back edition of The Message: Catholic/Ecumenical Edition, along with Great Men of the Bible by Martin Pable and Faith, Friends, and Other Flotation Devices by Michele Howe, both of which utilize The Message.  These two books are great resources that can be used for private reading or devotional use, along with being excellent for men's and women's fellowship groups.

Rules for the contest:

1) If you have an active Facebook or Twitter account, please announce this contest. If you don't, that is OK. You can still enter the contest.

 2) Please enter your name in the comment section of this blog post. I (or my wife) will randomly draw one winner at the conclusion of the contest, which will be on Sunday October 18th at 11:59 PM.

 3) I will announce the winner on Monday October 19th. The winner must contact me, via email, within a week with their full name and address.  I will ship the the books free of charge.

 4) One entry per person.

 5) Contest is only available to those who live in the United States.


  1. Bob From Rhode Island!

  2. John from South Carolina

  3. Victoria T.

    Would "The Message" be a good bible suggestion for people in my confirmation/RCIA class who have never read the bible? We're currently using the NAB. Our class has a good mix of people ranging from 17yrs-50+yrs.

  4. Kai H from California

  5. Dragan

    Dragan K. from Minnesota

    Count me in. Thank you

    Dragan K.
