Monday, September 21, 2015

Another Rebound Knox

I am always delighted to share with you pictures and stories of people who have had their Bibles rebound.  Today, I am happy to introduce you to Tom, who had a vintage 1950's Knox Bible rebound by Leonard's.  Enjoy!

I've long wanted to do a Leonard's rebind since seeing one via Tim's blog.   I narrowed the choice of translation down to the Knox due to the clarity and freshness of the language, and briefly considered the Baronius Press edition but don't like the page layout. Instead, I settled on an 1950s Knox hardback from Sheed and Ward found on eBay.   Leonard's did a great job smoothing and repairing a few flawed pages in Jeremiah.  I chose the pebble grain cowhide, a semi-glossy black - love the traditional look and the raised edges along the spine.  Great feel as well, and I think of how this creature of God's (cow) gives praise to Him by covering the Holy Word. 


  1. Nicely done. Quite a lovely job, thanks for sharing.

    I don't know if even Tim realizes this, but he's about to run another "unboxing" post about a very similar British edition I picked up on Ebay: a one volume "school edition" from 1960.

    Though published by Burns & Oates and MacMillan, the trade dress and page layout and notes format look identical.

    Would love to compare more closely to see what they did to make the student edition more affordable than the standard edtion.

    Yours seems to be the original volume mine was adapted from. Stay tuned.

  2. Oh, I do know! :) Will be published next Tuesday. :)

  3. Very nice that you chose to preserve and improve that older Knox Bible! I love the pebble grain cowhide and have used it on my three rebinds. I like the font style on the older Knox Bible, it looks very easy to read. You will enjoy it for many years to come!

  4. Ha. I knew you knew you'd be posting it.
    I meant, none of us knew about each other's editions, or that they seem to be related. :-)

    Since Tom's seems to be the edition my little school edition came from.

    Looking forward to comparing to see what they changed for the student version.

  5. Tom, are those baseball cards from the '50s?

  6. They are actually vintage baseball card drink coasters! Found here:

  7. Tom: Thanks for the link. I think I know what I'm getting my brother for Christmas. Great idea. I may get some for myself. Oh...and nice bible. Thanks for sharing that, too.
