Thursday, May 7, 2015

Anyone Receive the Didache NABRE Yet?

It was scheduled to be shipped on May 1.  If so, your thoughts thus far?


  1. A brother deacon and myself ordered ours on April 30...eager for its arrival. We are the only two deacons assigned to the upper region of our archdiocese who are young & able enough to move about and engage fully in pastoral work. We do a lot in coperation with one another and decided to order the Didache NABRE for use in ministry. We'll let you know what we think.

  2. Nothing yet. But based on my experience of the RSV-2CE Didache Bible, I expect good things.

    There's clearly a niche for commentary that ties directly to the catechism. Though I prefer the RSV-2CE for my study Bible, I believe the NABRE is a better match for the Didache commentary: an accessible American English translation of Scripture that makes Tradition accessible.

    So on my bookshelf, it's the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible NT (RSV-2CE) for prayer and textual commentary and the Didache (NABRE) to explore doctrine via the Catechism.

  3. I just received an email stating that mine will be arriving on Monday.

  4. I ordered a copy almost a month ago (knowing it would only be released on May 1st). Maybe I am imagining this, but I thought there was a notice on the MTF webpage saying those who ordered the Bible early would get it on or right after May 1 ( often does the same thing, I mean delivering on the "release date").

    Today I received an email saying that my package's shipping label had been printed. Okiedokie, so I paid $15 - FIFTEEN DOLLARS - for shipping and handling for an unreleased book one month ago expecting to get it very shortly after the release date and now - SIX DAYS AFTER THE RELEASE DATE - I discover I won't get it until sometime next week.

    There ought to be a law: All Catholic publishers should be required by law to intern with a Protestant publishing house or wholesaler (e.g. to learn what rates as GOOD customer service in the 21st century.


  5. Just came in an hour ago. It is BEAUTIFUL.

    It is a bit of a monster, but what a beauty. What an incredible study/teaching tool.

    Yes, I wish it was genuine leather, but I have to say, it is pretty nice if it's bonded (on boards).
