Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Pre-Order: Didache NABRE

Didache Bible: NABRE Edition

Introductory pre-sale price for leather edition of $51.99 and $35.99 for hardcover

This edition uses the New American Bible, Revised Edition translation of the complete text of Sacred Scriptures, Old and New Testaments.The Didache Bible also includes numerous apologetical inserts to assist the reader in understanding the Church’s teachings on current issues.  

After publishing the books of The Didache Series, Midwest Theological Forum set out to fill a need for a Catholic edition of Sacred Scripture with explanatory and apologetical commentaries based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The publication of the Didache Bible, based on these principles, fulfills the desire of Pope St. John Paul II as expressed in his Apostolic Constitution Fidei Depositum:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church . . . is a statement of the Church’s faith and of catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic Tradition and the Church’s Magisterium. I declare it to be a sure norm for teaching the faith. (no. IV)

The Didache Bible is a valuable resource for students and those participating in Scripture studies. Ideal for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and intended to be accessible by all Catholics in its level of scriptural scholarship.       
  • It uses the New American Bible, Revised Edition translation 
  • Features 27 full-color biblical maps, including the journeys of Jesus Christ 
  • More than 100 apologetical explanations that help to answer common questions about the faith 
  • Includes a comprehensive, 43-page glossary and a topical index 
  • The font size for the text of Scripture is 9.5 points which is comparable to the font size used in most business letters. 
  • The font size for the text of commentary is 8.5 points.
  • For the leather edition, the pages are gilded and the page corners are rounded.  

Editorial Board for The Didache Bible
Rev. James Socias, publisher; Jeffrey Cole, editor; Gerald Korson, contributing editor; Rev. Prof. Andreas Hoeck, SSD; Rev. Prof. Carlos Jodar-Estrella, STD; Rev. Peter Armenio, PhD; Rev. Paul Mankowski, SJ, PhD (Gospels) 

Pre-order discount available until 04/30/15.
Orders will start to ship out on 05/01/15

(Thank you to Corey and Mary and Mike for the email!)


  1. Good to hear but any news yet on leather RSV. edition ?

  2. Yes:

  3. Of course, this is the news I previously wanted to learn of but then Russ has done a splendid job of introducing Fr. King's Bible translation from the Greek. Now I must be penny-wise (or here in Canada loonie-wise) and consider that as I have a very fine NABRE edition and both the CCC and the CCC Companion and numerous other Catholic books is what I need all that reduced into one volume or better to have a contemporary rendering of the scriptures [minus the Letter of Jeremiah/Baruch 6]? I confess to leaning to the latter. :)

    One bible- one year: sure, sure. ;-)

  4. Any idea if the NABRE notes are consigned to the end of the books instead on the pages?

    1. Deacon Dave,

      Click the link above which has a preview of a couple pages. It shows that the NAB notes are on the same page as the Didache ones.

  5. Is the content identical to the rsv-c2e edition (besides the scripture transl. & nab-notes)?

    Both look great to me!

    And any word on e-book (verbum) release?
    Big name endorsements (for either transl.)?

  6. Not to engage in NABRE note bashing, but having them side by side with the Didache notes from the CCC will create an interesting juxtaposition. There are definitely going to be passages where they are in conflict, particularly in the Gospels.

    1. Luke,

      It will be fascinating to compare. I think this will be a great resource. One advantage the NABrE has over the RSV-2CE edition is that it's crossreferences are more extensive.

  7. "One advantage the NABrE has over the RSV-2CE edition is that it's crossreferences are more extensive."

    Agreed. One of a number of reasons why this edition interests me so much more than the RSV-CE edition but, it's all moot for me now ;-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The didache notes appear to be identical in both bibles. The one difference being that the didache notes in nabre are in one column paragraph form and the rsvce didache notes are in two column format.

    It also appears that the nabre has the book intros from the nabre authors as well as the book intros of the didache editors. There may be so,me clashes there.

  10. Looks nice. The notes layout reminds of another study Bible I saw recently on Amazon. Personally I'm hoping it will remain in print for a long time so they can incorporate a revised NABRE NT. However I suspect the Bishops are going to take their time with that.

  11. I'll buy it but it looks like the "leather" one will be just like the MTF hand missals. That means there won't be a soft leather Bible in the offing I suppose. I would gladly settle for a faux leather (vinyl) cover like MTF missals had until a few years ago. At 2500 pages this Bible will be heavy enough even before they slap it between two leather wrapped boards!


  12. That is a lot of notes on each page! It looks like the Navarre Bible, where you have three verses from Scripture on top and three quarters of the page filled with notes. This is definitely going to increase the number of pages in this Bible. This picture of the Didache Bible looks like it is a leather hardcover instead of a flexible cover? Does anyone know which it is?

  13. To those confused over the “conflict” between the footnotes in the NABRE and the additional material that will be found in the Didache edition (or confused with the NABRE footnotes in general), here is something that rarely gets revealed about the NABRE footnotes:

    1. The NABRE footnotes do NOT comprise a commentary.

    The reason we have Bible commentaries is that the footnotes in the NABRE are not commentary. Except for the handful of Scripture texts where the Church has a definitive interpretation, the footnotes are comprised mostly of “philology.” Commentaries and study Bibles provide catechesis via theology, which differs from philology.

    2. Philology: Our gift from Divino afflante spiritu.

    His Holiness Pope Pius XII issued the following instruction in the encyclical Divino afflante spiritu: “We ought to explain the original text which was written by the inspired author himself and has more authority and greater weight than any, even the very best, translation whether ancient or modern. This can be done all the more easily and fruitfully if to the knowledge of languages be joined a real skill in literary criticism of the same text.”

    This “literary criticism of the same text” is what you find in the NABRE footnotes.

    3. Philology is…

    Scriptural philology deals with the etymology of words, the genre or structure of writing employed, the historical and transmission development of the Sacred Text, as well as the way other languages and cultures of the time contributed to the way language and genre were employed by Bible readers. The method employs the use of empirical evidence in order to produce results.

    4. Philology is not…

    Philology is not theology. It is not Sacred Tradition. It is the branch of knowledge that deals with translations and language and the data that results from employing critical methods.

    Apostolic Tradition, on the other hand, employs various methodologies in teaching us, not merely critical analysis and philological data. Tradition teaches us the meaning of the Scriptures in the light of faith and the teachings of Christ and his apostles. It employs divine revelation and does not require empirical evidence in order to produce results.

    Finally, the NABRE footnotes (while containing some exegesis and theology, though limited in scope) are probably the only access to the “literary criticism of the [Biblical] text” that Pope Pius XII wanted all Catholics to have access to. The data is meant to supplement what we know from Tradition, not replace it. Since the methods used in critical study are merely mechanical, one should not expect the results to match that which can be understood only with the help of revelation. Granted, the data may not always be practical and the NABRE could do a better job of showing how the data is supposed to relate to other materials that provide Catholic exegesis, but in what other form should this “literary criticism of the [Biblical] text” take? Outside of these footnotes, I don’t know of any readily accessible source to this important philology that American Catholics have such free access to in the New American Bible.

    So no, the material should not match because they aren’t the same things. Catholicism demands we look at all the evidence about the Scriptures including the latest and best data from critical study, and that is what we are provided with in this new NABRE Didache edition. One is not meant to pick and choose which notes to believe. We are supposed to use them together to come to conclusions on how to apply the Word of God in our lives in practical and beneficial ways.

  14. I checked with MTF and sure enough the Leather covered version will be exactly like the stiff as cement leather covered hand missals they've been producing since 2012. I don't think they're very attractive, but, worse than that, those leather covered boards add extra weight to an already heavy 2500 page book. Why is it that so many Catholic publishers don't understand that many Catholic readers want soft leather Bibles, missals, and prayer books?

    Yes, I'll buy it anyway (sigh). But I'll buy the even uglier hardback. If I really like it, perhaps I'll get a leather one and have it rebound. That is such an expense, however! Ugh!


  15. Amazing!! Thanks for the heads up about the discount too! The Lord is Risen! Alleluia

  16. This is probably going to be one 'chunky' little Study Bible. At 2500 pages (the RSV Didache Bible is about 1800 pages) it is going to be close to the width of the Little Rock Catholic Study Bible which is at 2600+ pages.

  17. Rolf,
    When you count the preliminary pages and the 106 apologetics pages, the RSV-2CE Didache Bible actually comes to the 1960 pages that they say it is. I wrote about this back in early-mid January when I first received it.
    My comment can be found at

    and it gives the exact calculations.

    So the RSV-2CE Didache Bible is actually 1960 pages. My hunch
    is that the NABRE Didache will
    be 2200-2300 total pages when counted exactly as the RSV-2CE one above. But I guess reality will give its own opinion in 4-5 weeks when we all start receiving
    it! :)
    Jeff S.

  18. Rolf and others,
    WHOOPS! I goofed bigtime and am apologizing here because on the
    Midwest Theological Forum web page
    giving details on the NABRE Didache,
    it specifically says 2506 pages!

    So Rolf was complete correct and I was totally mistaken.

    Sorry for any confusion I caused.
    Once again, Rolf is correct, the
    MTF website itself specifically says 2506 pages!
    Jeff S.

  19. Carl, as always, thank you for your input concerning the NABRE. You seem to have a real insight to that translation.
