Monday, April 20, 2015

Catholic Biblical Quarterly (Vol. 77, No.2/April 2015)

The Agenda of Priestly Taxonomy
Lance Hawley

Ecclesiastes 9:1-12: An Emphatic Statement of Themes
Addison G. Wright, P.S.S.

Creature Features: Monstrosity and the Construction of Human Identity in the Testament of Solomon 
Thomas Scott Cason

Is the Lucan Jesus a "Martyr"?  A Critical Assessment of a Scholarly Consensus
Brian J. Tabb

"I Rather Appeal to Auctoritas": Roman Conceptualizations of Power and Paul's Appeal to Philemon
Timothy A. Brookins

Objects of Mercy in Jude: The Prophetic Background of Jude 22-23
Darian Lockett


  1. Was I the only one that had to look up the meaning of taxonomy ?
    Sorry for being an ignorant protestant !

  2. I had no idea what 'priestly taxonomy' meant one every word, sometimes you have to look one up, nothing to be ashamed of
