Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Helpful Article on the Revised Grail Psalms

Follow this link, via the blog PrayTell, for an interesting article on the Revised Grail Psalms.  You can read the Revised Grail Psalms here.


  1. I found the linked report informative, enlightening, but in the end worrying and depressing.

    It is saddening to think that (should this report be accurate) some of those who have been responsible for ensuring that our Bible translations are accurate and dependable have been ill-fitted for the job. The idea that NRSV scholars gave up on working with the Church to develop an English lectionary due to a lack of abilities of former members of the CDW is unacceptable. Catholics deserve better. In my most humble opinion, if you have anything to do with providing Bible translations in the Catholic Church you had better have a masterful understanding of the languages and Biblical culture that far exceeds my own—and I am a Jewish Christian who reads, speaks and prays in Hebrew, Ladino and Greek. I fully expect to be an idiot in comparison to anyone who is called a scholar or academic or has the authority to declare something accurate or not. To hear that it may have been the other way around disturbs me greatly. (Sadly this report is not the first time I’ve heard that those assigned to verify the accuracy of translations of Sacred Scripture know little if anything of the original tongues.)

    Born in 1966, I have seen the release of the NAB and have been living through its constant revisions since the 1970s. Raised a Catholic I have had to use it at school and heard it read and re-read at Mass and the Divine Office in its various forms through the decades. Hearing that the 2011 revision was not the final one to be used in liturgy but to expect a re-revision for all purposes to be released by 2025 has left me depressed. I don’t memorize Scripture according the NAB(RE) because it is impossible to remember a text that is never the same.

    On top of this, to hear that the Revised Grail is also not finalized and in fact in a sort of limbo is just as distressing. Why did I buy a copy and start using it if the Church is not going to do that? It doesn’t help me preach the Word of God to others around me who need to hear it for their eternal salvation if there is no way to properly recall Scripture.

    The idea that a supposedly “finished” and “accepted” text of the Grail is still in flux and years away does not inspire me in the least. It makes me think that there is too much politics and egos in the way of getting anything practical done to serve those in spiritual need. That the Grail is not ready now makes me think that the 2025 date for the new NABRE is impossible. I will nearly be 60 then, so why spend another second devoting myself to using the NABRE or Revised Grail any longer? We won’t be seeing either in the official lectionary anytime soon. All my time studying these versions seems now to be a waste.

    This is my opinion and only that, but I strongly feel that this is not the way those preaching the Gospel by translating God’s Word should be handling this most important work. It is in fact the opposite of the Gospel. This is very bad, bad news.

    "If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for the battle?"--1 Corinthians 14:8.

  2. It can be rather frustrating. What Pope Benedict said about the Liturgy could be rightly applied here "nothing is more harmful than constant change to the Liturgy"

