Thursday, December 4, 2014

Didache Bible January 2015?

Thanks to Brian for pointing this out, but it appears that the hardback edition of the Didache Bible will be published in January now.  This is according to the the Ignatius site. There is still no listing on the Amazon site, nor is there any indication when the bonded leather edition will be published.  


  1. Typical. I predicted this. I love Ignatius books, but there just seems to be a problem with the management there. And please, I don't want anyone to tell me, "Delays are common in publishing." I know they are. The delays are just ONE problem. Why doesn't Ignatius post something more than "January, 2015" on its webpage? How about an explanation for the delay? We still don't even know who the editors of this Bible are? Who compiled the notes? We have not been told. Why aren't a handful of pages available for previewing at Ignatius' website? At least they were not available yesterday when I noticed Ignatius pushed back the release of the book until January, 2015. I think - a Protestant company - is more customer friendly with Ignatius books than Ignatius Press. Test what I am saying. Go to and type in "Ignatius Study Bible New Testament" in the search box. You can actually preview the book! You can look at the study questions for the whole New Testament! You cannot do that for the Ignatius Study Bible New Testament (hardback) at the actual Ignatius website! Ignatius does have the Study Questions on their website but it used to be a real chore to find them. I wish Ignatius would get a clue.

    Timothy, can I make a suggestion? Would you be open to taking suggestions from your readers to pass onto Ignatius? You have plenty of readers who buy plenty of Ignatius books, and yet we are never asked by Ignatius as to what we think. It couldn't hurt for them to get some feedback.


  2. vladimir998,

    Why don't you send me an email and we can chat. mccorm45(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  3. Could we pitch in and order them a copy of the ESV Study Bible, with a note asking them to consult with Crossway's production managers, designers, and marketing coordinators on best practices for their own Bible projects? I understand that Crossway has deeper pockets and can hire better professionals, but Ignatius clearly needs to consider some benchmarks from other, more successful Christian publishing imprints.

  4. Brian,

    That would be nice! The unfortunate reality is that back when the ICSB was started, around 2000, it had a great look to it. However, almost 15 years later it really can't compete with Bibles like the CEB, NLT, or ESV study Bibles in not only its physical appearence, but also content like full-color maps and charts, graphics, and supporting material.

  5. Looks like we will be reading the Christmas story from the Douay Rheims again this generation. (Just kidding we do that anyway ;) But I am still waiting for a waterproof edition to read during bath time. Why are Protestants so pampered?! I need my milk in a fancy bottle, with a goat skin wrap (sewn not glued.)

    Seriously, though, we are talking about much more than merely milk here. As I have commented before, I think this edition is a particularly significant release due to its potential usefulness for catechesis, apologetics, personal devotion, and evangelization. I think Ignatius should take a clue from Baronius and simply offer a leather wrapped hardback with gold edges and ribbon bookmarks (the best of both worlds.) And offer 3 or 4 color options... Not everybody wants a green Bible!

  6. The communication from Ignatius has been pathetic on this. No explanations or apologies to those of us who ordered this product months ago. No communication concerning the delay whatsoever. Every time I have learned of a delay (first with the bonded leather version) it has been through your website, Tim. Ignatius needs to get it together in this department. What a frustrating experience.

    Too bad because Ignatius publishes such fine quality Catholic books, and with quality binding, etc.

  7. I know this isn't really contributing anything substantial to this discussion, but my initial excitement at the prospect of this Bible's appearance is fading fast, mainly because I've come to believe it will ever really appear when I'm actually holding it in my hands.

  8. I think the over/under on actual release date is mid-February.

  9. I called the customer service number this Friday morning and was told that Ignatius Press expects to have the HARDCOVER in their hands in January,
    and the LEATHER in their hands in February.

    When I asked what part of each month, the answer was
    that the best guess was "MID-January, "MID-February"

    Evidently they had to switch publishing companies
    because of a quality issue that had developed.

    I'm sure once we have them in our hands, the wait will be forgotten and we'll be happy to have them.

  10. I wish that Ignatius Press could partner up with Oxford as they did with the RSV-CE, which brought forth large print and compact versions of that translation. I know that it is probably a totally different situation with the RSV-2CE, because Ignatius Press is the only publisher that has the rights to this revision (of their own making). With the RSV-CE, many publishers had been printing it already. I think this is the only way we will see a compact or large print RSV-2CE. Ignatius has too much on their plate to accomplish it themselves. If it had not been for that partnership I don't think we would have had those other two versions of the RSV-CE now!
