Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Please Consider Sponsoring a PIME Child

I am sure that many of you have seen on TV or other media outlets the various child sponsorship programs that are out there.  Many of them, like World Vision and Compassion International, are run by Protestant ministries.  I am grateful for the work they do in the many countries they minister.  However, I would like to let you know of a Catholic child sponsorship program that my wife and I are involved in.  It is run by the PIME Missionaries, who are Catholic religious order of priests and brothers who commit themselves to lifelong missionary service, especially to non-Christians. (PIME stands for the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions in Latin.) Founded in Italy in 1850, PIME is an International Society of Apostolic Life with about 500 members in 17 countries. PIME's priority is the proclamation of the Gospel. They are actively involved in human development and the promotion of justice and peace. Their ministries include the foundation of schools, hospitals and clinics, orphanages, and the pastoral care of newly founded Catholic communities.

One of the best ways you can help them out is by sponsoring a child through their Foster Parent Program. Foster Parents pledge $15 a month to help support a child in the missions. Yes, for just 50 cents a day, a child will be provided with many of the necessities most of us take for granted. But most importantly, that child will know that someone loves and cares for him or her. One little boy or girl will have hope. 

This sponsorship program is near and dear to both my wife and I for two reasons.  First, the PIME Missionaries headquarters in the USA is located in Detroit, where we live.  Over the years, we have come to know a number of the PIME priests and they are very humble and holy men.   Secondly, our foster child is from India and her name is Rizwana.  Although we will likely never be able to meet her, we consider her a part of our family, even if from a distance.    

As you know I have never, nor will I ever, ask for donations for this blog, but I would greatly appreciate your consideration in becoming a foster parent.  If you are not able to at this time, please pass along this program to someone who you think might be able to.  Thank you for your consideration!

1 comment:

  1. is who we have sponsored. A fully Catholic charity awarded the highest rating multiple years in a row for financial integrity.
