Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October Contest

For this month's contest I am going to be offering a copy of the beautiful
Revised Standard Version, Burgundy, Zipper Duradera Readers Edition from Oxford/Ignatius.  This is not the compact edition, but the standard sized one.  I believe it is now out of print. It contains the RSV-CE text, with presentation pages, Dei Verbum, and a section of Catholic prayers and devotionals. Along with the Bible, I will include a copy of my favorite Peter Kreeft book Jesus Shock.  The self test at the beginning is worth the price on its own.  I use it at the beginning of my classes each semester.    

So here are the rules:
1) If you have a blog, please advertise this contest on your site. (If you don't, you can still enter the contest.)

2) This contest is only for people who are in the North America. (Overseas shipping costs remain too high for me right now. Sorry.)

3) To enter, please put your name in the comment section of this post.  Winner will be drawn randomly.

4) The contest ends on Sunday, October 20th, at 11:59 PM. I'll announce the winner on Monday morning.  At that time, the winner must contact me, via email, with their address within one week to receive their prize.

5) One entry per person. If you post anonymously, you must leave a name at the end of your comment entry.


  1. Thanks for doing the contest Timothy!

  2. Thanks for the contest! Wonderful prizes.

    Lorilee C.

  3. Yeah baby, pick me!


  4. Those are great prizes. You have the best contests. Thanks for the chance to win as always!

  5. Thanks for the opportunity!

    R. L. Drake

  6. Excellent opportunity to win the excellent RSV-CE Bible. I would be much blessed to win this copy.

    Dragan K.

  7. Excellent opportunity. Thank you

    Stephen K.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow, thanks, Timothy!

    Dwight Spivey

  10. Would make a great birthday present for me!

    Joseph Morovich

  11. Thanks for opportunity.

    KEN K

  12. My goodness, I don't know how I missed this! Well, the blog is dormant for the time being, so I just announced this on Twitter:


    Thanks for the chance to win, I'd love to carry this lovely Bible around!
