Monday, September 9, 2013

"Your Bible" Blog Post: A Reminder

Over the past five years this blog has been dedicated to reviewing new Bible editions, study tools, and translations.  Most often, these reviews come from yours truly, with the occasional guest blog by one you, my beloved readers.  I really do enjoy providing the "guest posts" on this blog and hope to continue to do so in the future. 

However, I would really like to expand this a bit, perhaps moving in a slightly different direction.  Once a month, I would like to publish a guest post from one of you giving a description of your personal Bible.  This would be the Bible you use most often, hopefully daily! I'll call this the "Your Bible" series.  What I am asking is that those who are interested to send me an email letting me know you are interested in doing this. Once you do that, I envision that each "Your Bible" post to contain 1-2 photos of your Bible, along with a short write up focusing on that Bible and how you use it. So what do you say?  I know that there are many of you out there who are daily devoted to reading the Scriptures.  I am sure that your witness will be appreciated by many who read this blog.

As I have mentioned in the past, one of the most beautiful sights, besides my beautiful family, is someone who is reading a well worn Bible.  So, if you are interested, please send me an email letting me know: mccorm45(at)yahoo(dot)com.   If you are new to this blog or have been around from the beginning, I would love to hear from you.  Like I said earlier, I'd really like to make this a regular, perhaps monthly, post here at the Catholic Bibles Blog.  So, don't be shy!

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