Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Catholic Parallel Bible

One of the interesting Bible resources that I always seem to spend time looking at when I go to a Christian bookstore are the various parallel Bibles available. These typically have two different translations placed side-by-side on a page, with limited notes or cross-references. They seem to be quite popular since you can get them in any combination including the KJV, NJKV, NIV, ESV, NLT, and even the Message.  There have not been many specifically Catholic editions out there, the notable exception being the out-of-print Oxford Catholic Comparative New Testament.  It contained the Douay-Rheims, Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, RSV, NRSV, NAB, Catholic Community Bible, and Good News Bible.  It is quite a nice resource really, unfortunately for me the copy I had had some structural issues.

So, I am interested to hear from you two things: 1) Does a complete (OT + NT) Catholic parallel Bible interest you?  2) If so, which two translations would you choose?

My thought: I would like one that contained the Knox Bible and the NRSV (with its textual notes).  This would provide me a text that references the Clementine Vulgate (Knox) and an eclectic translation that uses the MT, LXX, and DSS (NRSV).  In addition, the Knox is properly a dynamic-equivalence translation compared to the more formal NRSV.


  1. I'd pick the following combinations (in this order):

    1. RSV-2CE/Douay (for the language comparison without any inclusiveness)
    2. Douay/Knox (literal/dynamic Latin translation)
    3. Knox/Jerusalem (two most 'literary' translations).

  2. I had this one which I liked http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Parallel-Bible-Apocryphal-Deuterocanonical/dp/019528318X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1375802214&sr=1-1&keywords=catholic+parallel+bible

    Gave it to my local seminary when they were having a library collection event.

  3. I have the Oxford parallel Bible that has the NRSV, REB, NAB & NJB which is probably the one that Diakonos has linked above (I didn't check). I like the fact that includes a couple of Catholic translations with a couple of ecumenical translations. Then I can add the RSV-2CE on my I pad mini and I have all the translations that I need!

  4. The Oxford Parallel Bible is simply superb as it contains four of the best translations, hands down. If you cannot figure out what the text of Scripture is saying after comparing these four translations then...I don't know....maybe you're a lost cause after all. Literal and dynamic translations need to be paralleled exactly like this so that the strengths of each can balance the weaknesses of the other.

    The main obstacle I run into when using parallel Bibles is that it is incredibly tempting to make such a Bible your primary source but the layout of the text is inherently not conducive for lengthy reading from any one of the included translations. Such Bibles can be a bit distracting, too. While you're trying to focus on the meaning of a certain passage in one translation, your eye excitedly darts from block to block of text.

  5. Off topic, but you may be interested in rumors about the nixing of the ESV lectionary:


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just saw this. I'd welcome a parallel Catholic Bible with the NABRE, CEB, NJB, and NRSV or RSV. Whenever such an edition exists, I'd like a review copy to discuss and promote on the Bible Reviewer blog - http://biblereviewer.blogspot.com. Thanks and blessings
