Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Summer Book Discussion?

Yeah, I have failed at doing things like this here on this blog from time to time, I admit it.  However, summer is a great time to pick up a good book and have a discussion.  So, I am proposing that we spend the summer examining the newly released book Consuming the Word by Scott Hahn.  We would accomplish this by reading a chapter or two each week and having a discussion about it here on the blog.  I would do the initial post for a particular chapter, giving some brief comments.  Hopefully my comments, but more importantly your reading of the text, would then serve as a starting point in order to initiate an active discussion in the comment section of that post.  So, who is interested in doing this with me?

If you are, RSVP with me in the comment section of this post so that I can see if there is any interest in doing this.  Also, let me know if you would consider initiating a particular chapter's discussion by putting together an introductory post.

Of course, you need to get a copy of this book before hand.  If there is interest, we will begin this summer reading in about two weeks.  


  1. I say "WOW!" to the last five paragraphs of your linked Excerpt (before it says "Chapter 2"). Especially this one echoes several discussions I've been part of recently:

    "God reveals himself and gives himself in the scroll. What begins as poetry, however, we can allow to degenerate into jargon; and so the Greco-Latinate terms “covenant,” “testament,” “liturgy,” and “Eucharist”--all workaday words that inspired our ancestors to sing--now drop with the thud of a technical vocabulary."

    How is it that Dr Hahn (and others like Fr Riccardo) keeps expressing so very clearly--even ILLUMINATING--the most important + fundamental yet subtle ideas. These have been an ongoing struggle for me to grasp onto...
    I suppose he must be practicing it himself: Feeding on the Word!

  2. I'm in. My copy actually arrives tomorrow. I do not plan to have it bound in genuine leather.

  3. Please count me in...Sharon in Waxahachie!

  4. I am not sure I will remember to participate as often as I should, but I will vouch for this book and say it is THE Catholic book to read for the summer. Check out my review of it here. http://stuartsstudy.blogspot.com/2013/06/image-books-consuming-word.html My review also has Scott Hahn's recorded webinar at the bottom in case anyone missed it.

  5. I would certainly be interested in participating. I live in the UK and am a Baptist minister. I have followed Hahn's journey to Catholicism with interest. Having done my doctorate on how we can read the Bible for spiritual growth, I am convinced the Bible belongs to the Church, not to the academy or to the individual. We must read the Bible with the Church, past and present. I have found much value in a lectio divina approach to Scripture.

  6. I ordered it on kindle, I am in.
