Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Summer Conferences: Renewal Ministries Catholic Bible School

Back in the day I attended the Renewal Ministries Catholic Bible Study School each Summer.  I found them to be both academically and spiritually nourishing.  I highly recommend this conference!  Bishop Jan Liesen is a real treasure and a humble servant of the Lord........and he knows the Scriptures really really really well!

Dates and Location:
June 27-30, 2013
Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center
North Palm Beach, Florida

Main Speaker:
Bishop Jan Liesen

Bishop Liesen is bishop of Brada in the Netherlands.  Formerly, he was a librarian and professor of New Testament Exegesis, Biblical Theology, and Hebrew Bible at the Seminaire Rolduc in Kerkrade, Netherlands. He received his doctorate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome.  He is a distinguished member of the International Theological Commission.

(Other speakers include Debbie Herbeck and Laurie Manhardt)

The Voice of the Bridegroom

Tuition, room, and board is $350.00

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