Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anyone Want a Poorly Conditioned Knox Bible?

I really do love my Baronius Press Knox Bible, mostly due to the wonderful page layout, the nice binding and cover, and the overall enjoyment I get from reading it .  Yeah, I really just enjoying sitting down in my favorite chair and simply reading from the Knox Bible.  Sure, there are an occasional word or two that show up in the translation that cause me to appeal to a dictionary, but overall it is a smooth read.  (And while I have mentioned on this blog on numerous occasions my dislike for the "thees" and "thous", for some reason it doesn't bother as much when reading the Knox Bible.)

So, this leads me to the post at hand.  I own a 1965 Burns & Oates leather bound Knox Bible.  It has a page layout that is very similar to the Baronius Press edition, while also containing 4 drawn Bible maps and a list of the Mass readings for Sundays and Holy Days according to the Extraordinary Form.  I have no need of this edition anymore, and to be honest the Lord has been encouraging me to pass along some (if not most) of my Bibles to those who could really use them.   

Here is the catch, the binding is in pretty bad condition.  In particular, the spine has fallen off, although it still opens fine and the pages are in no danger, at the moment, of falling out. I am sure that this would be a perfect candidate for an expert rebinding.  In addition, it is also a bit thinner than the Baronius Press edition.

So, I want to give this Bible to someone who would truly treasure it.  Yet, I do not know how to do this!  I don't really want to do one of my typical "contests" so, if you are interested and truly desire this Bible, just send me an email: mccorm45 (at) yahoo (dot) com.  All I ask is that you explain why you would really like this Knox Bible edition.  I will email the person I decide to give it to.  There will be no post about who gets it.

Also, I thought this would be a good time to provide some links to some of my favorite Knox Bible-related posts.  So, enjoy them! 

Baronius Press Knox Bible Review

"7 Questions" with Dr. John Newton of Baronius Press

Jonny's Guest Review of the Knox Bible

Sunday Knox

Knox Bible Official Website

Knox Bible at Bible Gateway

And yes, my daughter will hand the Bible over at some point!


  1. Further, apologies for not being on the blog too much, nor commentating, nor sending in second and third parts of the inquiry in to "kecharitomene". I have been busy until recently preparing for/finishing discernment of/praying about my priestly vocation/ordination, which occurred last Sunday.

    I hope Theophrastus has been taking up the slack while I was absent.

  2. CJA,

    Send me a personal email regarding your other post. Thank you!

  3. Somewhat random question: what are the rules about posting verses from Bible versions on the internet, such as on Facebook, forums, etc so as to not break the copyright?

  4. As long as you're not doing it for pay, the general rule is (it is less for some translations",

    "500 verses or less, as long as the verses quoted do not make up 50% or more of an entire Biblical book",

    With the added restriction that you must add the three- or four-letter acronym of the translation in parentheses after the quotation, such as:

    "For of this they are willingly ignorant, that the world which existed before...being created out of water, was deluged and perished." (1 Pet 3:5 ESV) - I have no idea if that is actually the ESV translation or not, I'm quoting from memory.

    If you use the KJV or DRC you don't have to worry about copyright - they are public-domain with no restrictions (in America, at least... in England, and I believe in the rest of the Commonwealth, the KJV is perpetually copyrighted by the Crown under strict terms).

  5. Saxophilist -- you have two routes to go (assuming you are in the US):

    (1) You can look at the copyright page of the Bible, or at its BibleGateway page, to see if it has some general rule about how much you can quote. For example, here are the rules about quoting from the RSV and NRSV. These rules seem to always require you to include a lengthy copyright statement, which, you may note almost no one ever does on Facebook or forums.

    (2) You can apply the general doctrine of "fair use" which allows quotations (even large quotations) for the purpose or criticism, news reporting, or teaching. These rights are spelled out in 17 USC § 107. Even if a publisher says you are limited to quoting a certain number of verses, "fair use" takes precedence because it is written into the US Code. You can read more about "fair use" at its Wikipedia page.

    For example, while Tim regularly quotes from various translations, including many translations under copyright, his quotations are "fair use." Under the "fair use" doctrine, Tim does not need to give copyright statements every time he makes a blog post quoting from NABRE or the NRSV. In the classroom, Tim enjoys even stronger rights, and can pass out multiple copies of portions of copyright protected work for teaching purposes.

  6. Hi, saw your post about the Knox bible. I would love to give it a good home if it's still available. My funds for a new bible are pretty low at the moment.
    Thanks, Mike O

  7. I don't want your old Knox Bible, I just wanted to echo your sentiment that the Baronius offering is very nice indeed and I enjoy it very much. I find it quite good for Lectio Divina and just for spiritual reading.

    I bought it at your blog suggestion so a big thank you is in order.
