Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Semi-Regular Weekly Poll


  1. I don't actually buy physical books any more if I have a it doesn't really matter to me...

  2. Totally irrelevant but did you know that the Common English Bible is available in a Catholic edition as an ebook from their webpage. I wonder if it has an imprimatur???

  3. Hmmm.....I'll have to check that out.

  4. I already have the NT, so buying the OT would not be that big of a deal to me. I just hope they don’t release the OT in two massive volumes with the big print and thick paper like they did the NT!

    I have been involved in a men's Bible study using the Ignatius Study Bible for about three years now, and I know we could get deeper in the Scriptures if the Old and New Testaments were together in one volume. It is difficult enough trying to carry the NT volume along with a full Bible to supplement! The result has been that very few people want to carry two books, so the cross references to verses and to notes on verses gets neglected! The notes were designed to complement and reference each other! Breaking these up into volumes would undermine the Ignatius Study Bible's greatest asset: it provides notes and study questions that facilitate group discussion and interaction in the context of the Holy Scriptures and Church doctrine!

  5. Jonny,

    Stay tuned! I may have an update on this issue tomorrow.

  6. Of course I would. I prefer physical books - they're easier to use than electronic versions, more fun to use, but take more space. My Kindle could likely hold my entire library, if half of it wasn't so rare as to be unavailable in electronic form. But, there is something strangely comforting about reading ten thousand pages, and un- and re-shelfing thirty-six books in the process, and something equally disconcerting about reading thousands of pages, but not being able to tell, through any sense beyond the memory, that you have finished any at all (as happens with a Kindle).

    Note that the Common English Bible is the worst translation I have ever laid eyes on - I got it when it was free for the Kindle a few months back, and read half of Luke, part of John, the first six of Genesis, and a dozen random Psalms. The NAB looks like the KJV in comparison.

  7. Oh, and to solve the OT/NT problem, I carry a (very thin) "New English Translation of the Septuagint" with it, containing the full Old Testament. Otherwise, if one does not prefer or will not use the inspired LXX, one would have to use either a full Catholic Bible, or a Jewish Tanakh (hopefully not a diglot, as those get really massive), and a separate book of (probably annotated) "Apocrypha".

  8. Or the OT half of the two-volume paperback Haydock Bible, although it's larger than about four normal-sized Bibles combined, or about two leather Ignatius RSV-2CEs, so it might not help with the size. (I think it's full quarto, as the only other book I have that's as large is a Compleat Shakespeare ed. Bevington.)
