Monday, August 13, 2012

Taking a Tour of Biblical Top 10's

Mary Sperry is no stranger to this blog.  Her work with the NABRE is well-documented here.  As many of you know, she recently published a book called Bible Top Tens which I reviewed earlier this year.  OSV recently published a feature in their newsweekly examining some of Mary's selections in her book, which you can now read about here.  It is a fun little book which makes a great gift for Christmas or First Communions!

Also, be sure to check out Mary's latest book Ten: How the Commandments Can Change Your Life which is due out in September from Franciscan Media.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel Norman McNamaraAugust 22, 2012 at 7:42 AM

    Dear Tim,
    Mary's book is one that probably ought to be on every parish's bookrack. It is one that any of us could use easily to introduce Catholics to the Scriptures. Or, it could be read individually with great profit. Carefully read, it reflects quite a bit of thoughtful detail from the Roman Catholic tradition. Still, it is lively and fast-paced. Technically, the typeface is large enough for seniors to read easily; most of us anyway. And the language is itself an invitation to what many adults see as a hopelessly complicated field. I think it could easily be used in high school or youth ministry contexts by almost any teacher or discussion leader. Mary has brought some of the best Catholic thinking into an easily understandable form. This is what Catholic educators are supposed to be doing. I know it may not seem attractive to everyone, but I think anyone seriously interested in a Catholic approach to the Scriptures would do well to get a copy and work it through carefully. kudos to Mary! And a hope that her forthcoming volume is as useful.
