Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Semi-Regular Weekly Poll


  1. I never check for where a Bible was printed. And it's only while on the john that I see where me undies were made. :D

  2. I was really amazed by how many people checked "yes."

  3. This is one of the first things I check for before I purchase a Bible.

  4. No, because if I were to get all huffy about China, I would have to throw away my all-time favorite Bible, and also my pocket Bible. I would also have to get rid of my favorite study Bible, which was printed in the Netherlands, just on principle. Then there's the awesome goatskin-covered Bible that I would like give to my wife for Christmas because that one is printed in the UK. Nor would I be able to use any of pew Bibles at church, which, so I've been told, come from somewhere in Central America.

    It's the Bible. It doesn't matter where it was printed, only that you read it. Anyone who says otherwise is just holding the Word of God hostage with their own bigotry.

  5. I'm not quite hypocritical enough to buy all sorts of things from China and then draw the line at a Bible.

  6. Kai, do you think that in 2012 China's human rights record is comparable to the Netherlands or Britain?

    I understand that you think China does not cross the line in terms of trade for you. To be frank, it does not cross the line for me either -- but mainly because I think that other forms of persuasion will be more effective in improving China's human rights record. I have drawn the line in other cases -- I won't buy blood diamonds and I won't buy goods made from slave labor. And I admire the way the boycott on South African goods brought down Apartheid.

    I do respect the decisions of our brothers and sisters who do feel compelled to try to minimize their purchase of goods made in China -- I may not agree with them, but I do not want to mock them.

  7. Not on principle. I will purchase products from China. I would purchase a mass-market Bible from China - but when it comes to quality, no Asian country has printing that I've seen hold a candle to the higher-end Bible market, dominated by Jongbloed & Co.
