Monday, July 16, 2012

New Hahn Book due in Early 2013

Image Books description:

“From the bestselling author of The Lamb’s Supper and Signs of Life comes an illuminating work that unlocks the many mysteries of the Catholic sacrament of the Eucharist.
Long before the New Testament was a document, it was a sacrament. Jesus called the Eucharist by the name Christians subsequently gave to the latter books of the Holy Bible. It was the “New Covenant,” the “New Testament,” in his blood. Christians later extended the phrase to cover the books produced by the apostles and their companions; but they did so because these were the books that could be read at Mass. This simple and demonstrable historical fact has enormous implications for the way we read the Bible.

In Breaking the Bread: A Fresh Approach to the New Testament, Dr. Scott Hahn looks closely at the Road to Emmaus story in the Gospel of Luke as well as at the practices of the early Church to draw lessons for Christians today–lessons for using the Bible in prayer, studying the Bible in fellowship with others, applying scripture to the moral life, and so much more.”

Until then, you can pick up the newest Letter and Spirit Journal 7: The Liturgical Context of Patristic Exegesis

(HT: Brandon)


  1. Thanks for posting.

    On the one hand, I'm excited and interested in reading this book.

    On the other, can you recommend any other good authers that would be suitable for a non-academician or philosophy student covering some of the same topics that Dr. Hahn covers? I've read most of his books as well as a few by Jeff Cavins, Patrick Madrid, Keating, and Kreeft. But if I want to broaden my horizons, what other contemporary authors should I be considering?

  2. For a philosophy student, the sky is the limit - most philosophy students are superior academicians to English, History, or Social Anthropology graduates.

    Scott Hahn covers an extremely wide range of topics: what are you looking for? Biblical theology (which he teaches)? Apologetics (which most of the other authors you listed are)? Natural theology? (which is a requirement for most apologetics work)? Sacred or systematic theology? New Testament studies? Patristics? Protestant or ecumenical work? Traditional or liberal?

    That is, in which way do you wish to broaden your horizons? In terms of subjects studied in number (i.e. every Kreeft, Plantinga, and William Lane Craig book you can find), in terms of subjects studied in depth (ditto, plus supplementary study of their arguments and sources), or in terms of subjects studied by viewpoint (i.e. the Summa Theologiae followed by God Encountered and the nigh-impossible Trilogy, or the Holy Father's exegesis followed by Raymond Brown's)?

  3. Wow, this looks like a great book. I'm a fan of Hahn's other work on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so this is going to be a must-read for me. The linking of the idea of the "New Testament" with the Eucharist is a beautiful one.

  4. Chrysostom,

    You have given me much to think about! I appreciate the questions. I am currently reviewing 3 books, and they all interest me in different ways: Called to Holiness by Ralph Martin, In His Spirit by Fr. Richard Hauser, and The Gift of Faith by Father Tadeusz Dajczer. I believe they have a common theme! I am enjoying reading the different authors.

    I would say that I am most interested in Biblical Theology authors, and less so Apologetics at this stage. I also would like to study the early fathers, but the "only" resources I have are the actual works or summaries that don't leave me feeling that I know any fathers well.

    I appreciate any suggestions you can offer.

    Tim - if you could "ping" Chrysostom to let him know I respondend, I would appreciate it.

