Wednesday, July 18, 2012

B16 Working on Jesus of Nazareth III

Pope Benedict, who is currently on vacation at Castel Gandolfo, is spending some of his time away from Rome with putting the finishing touches on his third volume of Jesus of Nazareth.  This final volume will focus on the infancy narratives and the childhood of Jesus.  According to the Vatican Insider, Papal spokesman Fr. Frederico Lombardi said finishing work on his book “is one of [Benedict XVI’s] primary objectives.”  Rumored publication dates range from Lent 2013 to sometime at the end of next year, perhaps during Advent.


  1. *Squee!*

    I'm so excited. I've been eagerly awaiting his explication of the infancy narratives.

  2. I've not even finished the first one, much less started the second one. I foresee a couple of additions to my Kindle.
