Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Really Enjoy Listening to This Concert....

Often when I am doing work at a cafe I'll listen to music that is either downloaded on my computer or on Pandora. However, I will often just let this concert play in background while I am working. Call me crazy, but I really like listening to it.

Musically, I find that I tend to like both the older traditional hymns and modern contemporary Christian music. The stuff that is in the middle really doesn't appeal to me, in either a concert or liturgical setting. Perhaps that is because I grew up in a parish that played that type of '70s-'90s Catholic church music all the time.

I tend to be most comfortable in a Novus Ordo Mass, both in the vernacular but especially in Latin. However, I am equally as comfortable in Charismatic prayer groups or at a Third Day concert surrounded by predominantly our Protestant brothers and sisters.  Perhaps that explains why I enjoy the above concert.


  1. I liked it also. A couple of the songs that were sung in Hebrew reminded me of of some of the music I heard on our tour bus, when I was on pilgrimage in Israel four year ago.

  2. Surprisingly, I also like Charismatic prayer groups - I thought I would hate the idea until I was assigned in such a way as to come in contact with it (in high-school students, nonetheless!) - as I'm pretty outspoken in my love for the EF Mass (although, obviously, the NO is just as valid), even more outspoken in my distaste for heavily secular, modern "critical" translations such as the NAB and others, and further love for archaic-traditional just about everything (what a pain that makes some seminary experiences!).

    I remember two quotes, and one important book:

    "Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living" - Jaroslav Pelikan (this one is loved by our misguided Call to Action brothers as well).

    "It struck me, on entering the EF Mass, how little reverence was given to the Eucharist in the standard OF Mass... and then it struck me how little reverence was given to the written Word of God in the EF Mass." - Someone on the Internet (maybe CAF).

    And Father Mitch Pacwa's "Catholics and the New Age", which, although dated in many parts, I have found an invaluable, salutary companion in my formation, and most especially in vows of obedience, for seeking the Will of God where my mind, incompetent for high things, thinks, erroneously, there could be none.

    And, always, a subscription of "New Blackfriars" and "Communio".

    Off topic: I just finished reading Balthasar's "Mysterium Paschale" and am starting in on his Trilogy: does anyone actually understand what he's saying in logical or analytic terms, if such a feat is even possible, or is he best to be viewed as a symphony orchestra, with no part standing alone - and many parts, taken alone, indeed striking dissonant chords?
