Friday, March 2, 2012

News on Knox Bible from Baronius

Thanks to Theophrastus for spotting this:

Hi Tim:

I wanted to draw your attention to an update at Baronius Press's web page.  Of course, the big news is that Roman Breviary is now printed and in transit, but in other news ...

They claim to now have a publication date for their reprint of the
Knox Bible.  

"The title has been scheduled for printing on the 27 February and it should take approximately 5-6 weeks to complete plus 6-8 weeks for shipping. We estimate that we will be able to start shipping copies to customers around the end of May/beginning of June."


  1. Amen! I've wanted to get the OT of the Knox Bible for a long time. It's the only dynamic, relatively easy to read and still faithful Catholic Bible that I've ever seen.

  2. Oh, in other good printing news, Wiley has finally got around to printing "The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology" (after eight delays, I think, originally slated for June last year) in paperback on a limited basis - it goes "in stock - 10 left" on Amazon once every four or five days, and then "usually ships within 7-10 days" within 5 or 10 minutes. I was lucky enough to be in the second batch of pre-orders to ship.

    It's only $40 compared to $200 (retail $250) for the hardcover version. It's a textbook of modern natural theology - modern natural theology, contemporary, truly, you say? Yes. It makes me feel like Pavlov's dog.

    And at least the Brits finally got IC Esslemont's "Orb Scepter Throne" and Jon Howard's "Johannes Cabal" (not related to religion) printed this month. Twenty quid to have it shipped to America (even though that's the cover price of the book). Luckily my accounts don't have surcharges for foreign billing for the major currencies. What surprised me most is the price for Canadians: $52.95 Canadian dollars. Imagine having to spend $53 dollars for a 500-page book of fiction. God almighty.

    It's a good month for printing. Now, if only they can finish "Wheel of Time", which has been going on since 1989.

  3. Two months past their expected shipping date and we're still waiting! And they've changed their site to say the bible is 'currently printing', how vague.

  4. Anon,

    In my dealings with Baronius, I always assume that their dates of publication are going to be off. They rarely seem to publish anything 'on time' there.
