Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Family Prayer Time and the Bible

While I was poking around the NABRE section of the USCCB site, I spotted a short article by Jem Sullivan called A Spiritual Feast for Your Home: How Catholics Can Use the Old Testament in the Family which you can read here. This short essay caused me to think a bit about how I utilize the Old Testament for prayer, particularly within the context of my own family. While it is true that I am currently teaching an intro class about the historical narrative of the Old Testament, I wonder if I am spending enough time, within the family setting, prayerfully reflecting on the many treasures found in these passages.

To be sure, once my daughter, as well as our new child to be born in July, get a little bit older, I am going to love reading Bible stories from a children's Bible to them. But what else? I would be interested in hearing from you, my fine readers, as to how you integrate the Old Testament, or the whole Bible in general, into your family prayer time.

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