Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bible Study Series Contest

With the beginning of the Bible Study Series on Philippians, I am excited to offer a contest to coincide with it. The winner of this contest will receive a new paperback edition of the ICSB: The Letters of St. Paul to the Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. All you need to do to enter is simply to put your name in the comment section of this post. No anonymous entries will be considered. The winner will be randomly drawn at the end of the contest, which will be Sunday, February 26th at 11:59PM. This contest is open to anyone in North America. (Sorry again to my loyal readers in the rest of the world.) Also, if you have a blog and would like to advertise this contest, it would be much appreciated. I will announce the winner on Monday.


  1. That looks interesting. Thanks Timothy!

  2. Wonderful... hmmm during Lent should be more thoughtful buuuuut

    ME ME PICK ME :0}

    sorry couldn't help myself, been a really boring day

  3. Thanks for the offer. RAnn

    ruthjoec at aoldotcom

  4. That would be great! I appreciate your generosity.

  5. This is a great contest.
    Mary Cardwell

  6. Thanks Tim!!!
    Sharon Harrison

  7. Dwight Spivey

    Thanks, Tim!

  8. My name is Timothy Shaw

    THANKS for your informative and inspiring blog postings

    My Google BLOG is
