Monday, February 20, 2012

Any Plans for Lent?

As Catholics, we tend to prepare ourselves for Lent by trying to figure out what we should give up for these upcoming Forty Days. Most people will give up something that they eat or do daily, like coffee and sweets, or maybe even going on Facebook. Doing so is a laudable and recommended of course! (BTW, I am still undecided as to what I am going to give up.)

However, while giving up something is a noble thing, it is also important, I think, that we use these days to double our efforts in immersing ourselves in the Scriptures. One thing that I have done over the past few years is to pick a book of the Bible that I have neglected and spend Lent studying it. This has been a wonderful practice for me during the past few Lenten seasons. This year, I have decided to spend my nightly prayer time reading through 1 and 2 Chronicles. I have spent far more time in the Deuteronomic Histories of 1 Samuel through 2 Kings in contrast to 1-2 Chronicles. I should also mention the fact that Dr. Scott Hahn's book Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire, The: A Theological Commentary on 1-2 Chroniclescomes out in the next few days is also another reason to go back and read 1-2 Chronicles.

In addition to the Scriptures, I try to pick out a book to use as a devotional for Lent. This year I have decided to read through Mark Shea's The Work of Mercy: Being the Hands and Heart of Christ. I plan to blog on my reading of this book throughout Lent as well.

So, are you planning anything for Lent? Do any of you use a particular devotional just for Lent?


  1. I am reading through Matthew's Gospel and the Book of Joshua using the Navarre Bible. Wading through the dense devotional-theological notes in this Bible is a nice break from the historical-critical commentary in all my other Bibles. I am also reading the daily Lectionary readings of the Church and I will be following up those with, 'Biblical Meditations for Lent' by Carroll Stuhlmueller,C.P. (which is based upon the daily readings for Lent).

  2. Adding a prayerful 40 day chronological reading of the four gospels as part of my intended Lenten practice. I try to get to Adoration more frequently. Two parishes have me booked as Lenten mission speaker so it's going to be a very full Lent for me. Fr. Barron has some excellent thoughts on what to give up based on why in a youtube vlog but I cannot recall at the moment if that was in this or this Word on Fire entry.

  3. Daniel Norman McNamaraFebruary 23, 2012 at 10:14 AM

    I am going to be following Bishop Morneau's "Daily Reflections For Lent" again this year. (Liturgical Press, $2.) This is something anyone with limited time might find very insightful. Usually he takes one of the daily readings and provides a brief reflection., meditation and prayer.
    Daniel Norman McNamara, Rockledge, FL
